文法更正 chance of survival

2015-04-12 1:36 pm

連續三天 救難人員不曾放棄 那怕是一線生機
Rescuers did not give up even a chance of survival in consecutive days.

回答 (5)

2015-04-12 4:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
For three consecutive days, rescuers never give up ,even a slight&slim chance, to find the survivors.
(=What chance is there of anybody being found alive in 24x3=gold good chance of survival 72 ?)
2015-04-12 8:22 pm
Even though there was a little chance, the rescuers never gave up in those 3 consecutive days.
2015-04-12 7:44 pm
For three days in a row, the rescuers did not give up even the slightest possibility that there may be survivors.
2015-04-12 4:12 pm
> 連續三天 救難人員不曾放棄 那怕是一線生機


連續三天 救難人員不曾放棄 那怕是 遇難者"還有/尚存" 一線生機


For 3 long days, rescuers did not even slow down in light of the possibility that the victims might remain alive.

2015-04-12 09:08:41 補充:
I think you meant "do a roll" so that I can turn up in the Mars 108K miles away? Hey, I am no monkey and don't do monkey businesses.
2015-04-12 1:59 pm
連續三天 救難人員不曾放棄 那怕是一線生機

For 3 consecutive days, rescuers haven't ever given up a thread of hope to find the survivors.

2015-04-12 08:46:07 補充:
孫悟空只怕如來佛 !

2015-04-12 08:48:19 補充:
Master AP, you need to do a change of role!

2015-04-12 09:26:31 補充:
I mean changing from a small monk (唐僧) to a big monk (如來佛)

2015-04-12 09:42:52 補充:
That little monkey's trick has no match with big monk's divine power.

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