Are Scorpio Moons really intimidating?

2015-04-11 8:11 pm
I've had it my whole life. It happens to me During junior high and all the way to high school, i always have people say to me "Wow, you're scary", "You look like you want to murder somebody", "You look like you could fit in a horror movie". It's ****** annoying and satisfying to me. I'm asking this because i'm just curious.

Source: Sagittarius sun, Capricorn/Aquarius rising, and Scorpio moon.

Like have any of you Scorpio Moons have been in similar situations like this?

回答 (4)

2015-04-11 9:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I have a Scorpio Moon and I have been told I have a scary face. Truth is, I'm probably always mad about one thing or another deep inside, lol.

I try to smile and laugh a lot. After all, Scorpio Moons are secretive people--we don't need people knowing our thoughts just by reading our facial expressions, ha ha!
2015-04-11 9:40 pm
It is easy to yank the chain of persons led by his/her ego .One day you will hopefully, get that.
參考: Cancer
2015-04-11 8:17 pm
yes I have a scorpio moon, I have treacher collins syndrome. Some people are afraid of me, because I look different.
2016-03-12 9:39 am
I'm a scorpio guy and get approached and not approached all the time. It depends on you, and the mood your in. If you look pissed at the world, which I do sometimes, no ones gonna be dying to meet you, and if your laughing and smiling and show signs of having a blast, then sometimes people feel less intimidated and you become more approachable. Simple. Don't sweat it.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 01:36:53
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