How to assemble a camera lens!? Help!?

2015-04-11 5:10 pm
Basically i went out to take some pictures of this lake and as i was changing my lens my other one fell in the water. So i took it home and put it in the airing cupboard to dry off left it for 4 days and it is still really misty so i thought it would be a good idea to take it completely im 16 i thought i new whats best...obviously i dont and im sitting here with my camera lens (nikon 55-200mm 1:4-5.6G af-s dx) completely apart and i have no idea how to put it back together.
my parents have no idea and they would flip if they knew. Please can someone save my *** and link me to a video or skype me...

回答 (9)

2015-04-11 6:26 pm
I have to be honest with you . . . Dropping a lens in a lake is probably the best way to destroy a lens. Taking it apart has definitely killed it dead.
2015-04-11 6:27 pm
Whoops! No chance. It's a precision optical assembly.

Even if you can put the parts back together in the correct order you have no means of optically collimating it and without that it will never focus correctly at any setting.

Only a professional lens repairer can do that for you, and what they charge will cost more than buying a good used replacement lens.

In any case, dried out or not the lens electronics will have very likely been ruined by water immersion so need replacement.

You're 16 so nearly an adult. Time to learn to take responsibility for your actions, accept the consequences and do what you can to remedy the situation.

You had an unfortunate accident and did what you thought best to try and save a ruined lens. If you never take cameras and lenses anywhere risky you'll be very limited in where you can use them and that defeats the point of investing in an expensive dSLR. At least that lens is a common kit lens and so not especially expensive to replace. You can get it brand new for as little as £90 and used for around £40-£50 in excellent condition. Those are UK prices: in the USA they're normally even cheaper.
2015-04-11 5:54 pm
You're just going to have to face the music. You'll never get it back together right.
2015-04-11 9:35 pm
Sorry but your a** cannot now be saved. The last thing you should ever do with a precision piece of equipment is attempt your own repair.
You can send it to a Nikon repair centre for clean and reassembly but it will be costly.
2015-04-11 5:13 pm
Take it to a camera shop.
2015-04-13 2:50 pm
I agree with BK. The chances of you correctly re-assembling that lens are millions to one. Fess up to your parents and see if their home insurance will cover accidental damage. Otherwise, get a Saturday job to be able to buy a new lens. If that lens has seen lots of water and then inexpert dismantling, very few professional workshops would want to try to repair it - if they do the cost might be more than a new lens.
2015-04-12 3:03 pm
search youtube How to assemble a camera lens!
2015-04-11 11:02 pm
Maybe this will help -

try searching on youtube
2015-04-11 5:10 pm

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