
2015-04-11 10:33 pm
要簡單易明 (適合初中程度)
最好有中英文(At least 有英文)

1)Which one is more important for a city? High economy or life.
2)Any pros for construction of the third runway?
3)Any cons for construction of the third runway?
4)Explain the effect on the surroundings if construct the third runway
5)Are the two runways in the airport enough? Explain.
6)What good things the construction may bring to mostly HK citizens? Explain.
7)Are most HK citizens can use the third runway?
8)Is the 3rd runway wasteful with your money and useless?
9)Will the construction bring more population? Is it good or bad for us?
10)Overall, should we build the runway? Please analyze the data.
11)Suggest a way to save the construction area but also keep the environment growth? Any cons for it?

Thx guys ><

回答 (2)

2015-04-12 7:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) Both. A balance is needed.
- Need good ECONOMIC BASIS to support life and living standards in the city.
- Require SAFETY & WELLBEING to enable successful economic growth.

- 增加就業機會 (create jobs)
- 增加機場容量 (capacity) 及接駁 (connectivity)
- 增加機場競爭力 (competitiveness)
- 增加升降量—增加空氣噪音污染(e.g.飛機航道flight path下的馬灣)
- 昂貴 (140 billion)
- 影響環境
- 受地理位置及航空交通管制(air traffic control, ATC)(或空牆)所限,三跑容量無法被有效使用
- 馬灣,東涌受增加航空及陸路交通流量影響
- 填海(reclamation)破壞海洋生態(marine habitat)及減少中華白海豚棲息地
- 珠三角空域(airspace)變得更擠塞(congested),成為航空交通管制的一大難題

5) NO
- 香港機場受地理限制(geographical constraints),三面環山和有其他附近機場,所以飛機班次和人流雖未達世界數一數二(每年6000萬人次,相較倫敦7200萬),但起降量(aircraft movement)已接近飽和(reaching full capacity)

- 航空業(aviation industry)轉型,不像過往點對點(point-to-point)服務,而是用大飛機往返樞紐機場(hub airport),再從樞紐用短途航線往返其他機場。香港作為國際重要樞紐機場,客貨運因此增長迅速。

- 香港機場比其他珠三角機有更多國際航點(international destinations),而且效率(efficiency)甚佳,吸引眾多航空公司(airlines)進駐和繼續使用香港機場(Attracting airlines to SERVE HK)。需求(demand)因此繼續增加。

- 增加就業機會
- 增加機場容量後,航空公司能增加航班(flights)和航點(destinations) = 賺取更多利潤。市民外遊或公幹更方便和有更多選擇。而且吸引從外地的旅遊及公幹遊客(foreign leisure & business travellers),有利香港經濟發展
- 更多航空公司進駐有利(favours)行內競爭(competition),票價或會下調用以吸引乘客

7) 兩睇
否—香港作為樞紐機場(hub airport),最大得益者可能是轉機乘客(transfer passengers may benefit the most)。擴建(expand)機場帶來的轉機乘客量(transfer passenger volume)比本地乘客(local passengers)更多。轉機乘客又不會留港消費,不會帶來很大的經濟效益(economic benefit)。

8) 兩睇
- 三跑因空牆 ("Sky Wall")而不能發揮最大功效(effectiveness)。航班絕不會增至預期(expected)數量(volume)。
- 本人認為空牆問題不能解決(cannot be resolved)
- 因此這投資(investments)不能獲得預期的回報 (expected returns)
- 但擴建機場不能避免(inevitable),因機場需求不斷增加(continuous growth of demand)
- 如再無可用容量(reach full capacity),航空公司或會改用其他機場。機場失去競爭力(competitiveness)。旅客、商客也可能因交通不便而不來香港,間接削弱香港競爭力。
- 結論:目前計劃是浪費(wasteful),但絕非無用(definitely not useless)。

9) 會
- 香港近乎全民就業(almost full employment),建造業人手短缺(labour shortage)
- 較少人願意入行(fewer people wish to join the construction industry)
- 需要輸入外勞(hire foreign labour)
- 會有更多人移居香港(More immigrants),或會申請永久居留(permanent residency)
- 長遠來說會有負面影響

2015-04-11 23:38:42 補充:
10) Yes.
- Growth in demand requires airport expansion
- Maintain competitiveness of the airport and HK
- Damage to the environment CAN be minimised
- "Sky wall" unsolved+geographical limitations
- Only airport expansion can improve airport operation

2015-04-11 23:39:18 補充:
- Current construction methods take account of minimising environmental damages e.g. NO DREDGING: this reduces damage to marine habitats and seabed. In addition, setting up marine conservation zones for caring the local environment.

2015-04-11 23:39:29 補充:
- Suggestions made to construct ANOTHER AIRPORT AT SEA south of HK, away from the geographical constraints. But this poses even more problems e.g. difficulties in construction (hence extraordinarily expensive) and maintaining two airports at the same time (very tough air traffic control).

2015-04-11 23:39:40 補充:
- Smaller expansion area+shorter runway? With limitations due to "Sky Wall", we only need to build expand so that it can attain the max. available capacity. Hence it's cheaper, but will reach full capacity sooner.
參考: Myself. Airport aircraft maintenance. Own opinion.
2015-04-13 2:20 am
梁Yat, better if answered by 專業人士

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