im jenna his name is eric i need your advise aries?

2015-04-11 1:23 am
Im a Sagittarius the guy im nowing weve known each other since we were kids and now hes telling he likes me after he was ignoring me he told me the reason y he was ignoring me was because he was shy and nervous idk if he was tellin the truth and stuff because you know how these guys are so i yold him idk if ur telling the truth and he got"mad and stop texting me i tried to see whats going on but he wont budge sometimes he answers but then he doesnt whats going on

回答 (2)

2015-04-11 1:28 am
Ok listen closely, cuz you don't sound very smart.

1) your horoscope sign has NOTHING to do with any of this. The movements of planets and stars billions of miles away don't have any effect on real life. That's fairy dust.

2) The last thing you should ever do when a guy tells you he likes you, is to question him or imply that he is lying. No guy likes that sh*t.

3) Obviously he is telling the truth!!!!! Why the f*ck else would he tell you that?! Guys are not like girls. Girls will lie all the time and will say stupid stuff for attention. Guys don't give a **** about attention. We want to conquer and succeed and get stuff done. If we tell a girl we like her, it's because we do, period!

4) what you need to do is decide if you like him back, and would want to either hook up with him, date him, or both.

5) you need to apologize for doubting him, tell him you're sorry for not believing him, and tell him you believe him now.

6A) if you like him, continue this by saying that you also like him as well, and that you would be happy to go on a date with him.

6B) if you don't like him, then he deserves a straight answer instead of you worming your way out of it like a snake. Have the guts to tell him the truth. So that way he can move on to another girl who actually does like him. He deserves happiness! Don't to be the ***** who leads him on and confuses him and prevents him from reaching happiness from another girl. You absolutely can't have your cake and eat it too. If you don't like a guy, you cannot string him along. People will hate you if you do that.

so if you don't like him, tell him VERY BLUNTLY AND DIRECTLY AND CLEARLY, "look im sorry but I just don't like you like that." And yes, if he asks you why, be honest. If it's his looks or height, tell him that. If it's his personality, tell him that.
2015-04-11 1:26 am
He's probably confused by what you said. When you said you don't know if he's telling the truth, you made him think that you don't trust him. Being shy can come in different forms. I would apologize and straighten things out with him, if you want to save your friendship with him.

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