I graduated high school with my A.A. degree...?

2015-04-10 11:29 pm
I graduated high school with my general A.A. degree (I was dual enrolled my senior year). I didn't know what I wanted before but now I know that I want to become a Physician Assistant with a major in Biomedical Sciences.
I got into a University during the Spring term, so now I am planning to go to a Community College for the Fall term. Am I able to do that? Would it effect my A.A. degree? I thought that once you complete your A.A. that's it?

回答 (2)

2015-04-11 12:45 am
You'll need to speak with advisors to ensure that all these classes you are taking will
A. Transfer to university
B. Count towards your PrePA work

You also need to check with the CC to make sure you can enroll and get credit since you already claimed an AA. You should be able to, but you need to check.
2015-04-10 11:32 pm
Find a college with a PA program you can enroll into. The AA degree with help greatly.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 01:37:16
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