Not enough calorie intake?

2015-04-10 8:34 pm
If I add up all the calories that i ate today, they would add up to approximately 750.
I had cereal for breakfast (200 calories) and cooked spinach for lunch (spinach fills me up so quickly and doesn't have that much calories) missed with a verrrrrry little bit of finely chopped beef. I know thats not enough and that you body might go on starvation mode (?), but the problem is that im soo not hungry, like not even the slightest, but im trying to be healthy. If im not hungry does that mean i shouldn't eat or what ?
sorry if i confused you

Im not trying to starve myself or lose weight, i just wanna get this straight

回答 (6)

2015-04-10 9:17 pm
try adding more fat/protein into your meals. they have a higher caloric density for small servings. maybe add nuts or whole milk to your cereal? try ensures/boost/other drinks to get your nutritional needs if it is really that hard to feel hungry.
2015-04-10 8:44 pm
If this is just one day, it's ok to be underfed occasionally. However, if this is an example of a typical day, you need to add more calorie dense foods like protein and healthy fat (nuts, seeds, avocado, olives, etc). Don't eat enough spinach to fill up. Have something else with more calories with it.
2015-04-10 8:41 pm
Just because you dont feel hungry doesnt mean you should starve yourself, Your body needs the nutrients in so many ways that I cannot tell you. Eating less then 800 calories is very dangerous and will definitely put you in the ER within weeks. DONT do it. Eat when you know it time to eat. Ex if it been more then standard 4 hours without meal, start eating again. Your body is going on a slow metabolism so obviously you will get hungry much later then usual but again you still have to eat. Dont attempt to starve yourself, your only slowly killing yourself that way
2015-04-10 8:58 pm
I eat 750 calories before 6 am most days and I'm 190, and about 12% body fat. Eat, good lord.
2015-04-10 9:17 pm
that is not good, very unhealthy, just like george, i eat over 900 for breakfast and i'm 165
2015-04-10 9:06 pm
NOBODY eats claories. That is only the ehat energy in the food itself.

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