If you get married in a different country but get divorced in US OR Canada, does the husband still lose all of his money?

2015-04-10 8:11 pm
does the law that rewards wives & gold diggers for divorcing their husbands, still apply if the couple was not married in north america?

回答 (4)

2015-04-10 8:50 pm
"His" money?

If you live in a community property state, anything that comes into the marriage belongs to both spouses, except for inheritances. What was yours before the marriage remains yours, unless you've chosen to co-mingle it with your spouse's assets. That would be the same even if the wife were the higher wage earner.

Why not work on your marriage instead of getting a divorce? That way, you get to keep both your wife and your money. The majority of women who divorce for reasons other than abuse or adultery do it because they feel un-appreciated and unimportant to their husbands. If that's why your wife is leaving, then that's something within your power to change.
2015-04-10 8:19 pm
Sheloves_dablues is correct , it's everything you have ,,, plus child support and alimony .

If you divorce in America , especially California , expect to be poor for a long , long time .
2015-04-10 9:35 pm
husband & wife are bound by the laws of the country they divorce in.
2015-04-10 9:42 pm
Men do not lose their money in the US/Canada. The couple splits THIER money. Most women in the US and Canada work and contribute money to the household. They leave with their money.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 16:29:53
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