If a man is rich but lives a "middle class life", can wife claim "accustomed to a standard of living" if you aren't living lavishly?

2015-04-10 4:11 pm
essentially if you're rich but you live like you are middle class or poor, could a wife still claim she should be awarded half of your money if your money was never being used to fund your lifestyle?

why should she get a settlement that reflects a rich lifestyle, if you ensure you keep your lifestyle middle class?

回答 (3)

2015-04-10 4:27 pm
There are two people in a couple and both work toward the better of the family... when they divorce, they split THEIR finances. A woman does not "take" HIS money. I am a woman and when I divorced, I gave him more money, furniture, and paid the lawyer and no judge told me to, I just wanted him to be ok.
2015-04-10 4:23 pm
As far as I know alimony is according to the lifestyle one is accustom to so a rich man wouldn't have to share half of his finances only whats necessary to keep the woman living in the same condition as when married.
2015-04-10 4:13 pm

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 16:38:19
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