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亞特蘭提斯:傳說/考究 - English translation
Legends and investigations about Atlantis:
1. Athanasius Kircher's Map of Atlantis (1669) shows that Atlantis was located in the middle of Atlantic Ocean, above it was the southern region, on the left were Africa and south Europe and on its right the Americas.
2.自稱神話學及古代研究專家的美國探險家羅伯特·薩馬斯特(Robert Sarmast),在其出版的書《發現亞特蘭提斯》中指出其位置於塞浦路斯南部海域
2. The American explorer Robert Sarmast, self-proclaimed expert on Mythology and Ancient Studies, points out in his published book "Discovering Atlantis" that Atlantis' location was in the seas south of Cyprus.
3. Some people think that Atlantis was situated at the Island of Crete.
4. Archaeologist and writer Graham Hancock believes that Atlantis should be in the Antarctic Peninsula.
5. Collina-Girard, Professor of Geography at the University of Provence in France, thinks that Plato described in his book "Atlantis" that Atlantis was situated along the trait of Gibralta of the present world.
6. Swedish geographer Ulf Elinson, in his book "Atlantis in the eyes of the geographers: the exploration of the Kingdom of Wonderland" published in 2004, thinks that the present day Ireland was the Continent of Atlantis.
7. Some researchers believe that Atlantis was near Cadiz in Spain.