F.3 Eng Grammar 問題 :

2015-04-11 3:14 am

Parts of Speech 同 Gerunds & Infinitives :

Parts of Speech :

excited 同 exciting 用起黎有乜野唔同?


Gerunds & Infinitives :

advise , allow , cause , enable 等等...呢d字點解之後會跟to-Infinitives?

咩叫after modal verbs之後用to-Infinitives?

begin之後幾時會用to-Infinitives? 同begin之後幾時會用Gerunds?

仲有 , 一樣 , 就係 ( remember , stop , try , regret ) 呢d字用Gerunds同Infinitives個意思有乜野唔同左?

可能我問ge野多左d , sorry. 希望可以用中文詳細解釋一下

回答 (1)

2015-04-11 10:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1) excited 同 exciting 用起黎有乜野唔同?

Both are adjectives derived from the verb "excite".

Format: Something excites somebody.

Forming adjectives:
1. Somebody is excited (by/at something). ~always predicative
2. Something is exciting. ~predicative
an exciting something ~attributive

(2) 仲有係咪只係得noun既詞性先至可以用眾數or單數?
"verb" can also have "number" in singular or plural.

(3) advise , allow , cause , enable 等等...呢d字點解之後會跟 to-Infinitives?
Verbs, such as cause, allow, help, have, enable, keep, hold, let, force, require, and make, are called "Causative verbs" which are used to indicate that some person or thing helps to make something happen. The second actions are expressed in infinitives (both bare-infinitive and to-infinitive).

Except "let", "make", "have" and "help" which use bare infinitives, other causative verbs use to-infinitives ("help" can be both).

(4) 咩叫after modal verbs之後用to-Infinitives?

Modal verbs, such as "will", "can", "must", "may", must be followed by a bare infinitive (base form), with exception of "ought" which is followed by a to-infinitive.

(5) begin之後幾時會用to-Infinitives? 同begin之後幾時會用Gerunds?
When "begin" is used in non-continuous tenses, you can either use a gerund or a to-infinitive with the same meaning.
When "begin" is used in continuous tenses, an infinitive must be used.

(6) 仲有 , 一樣 , 就係 ( remember , stop , try , regret ) 呢d字用Gerunds同Infinitives個意思有乜野唔同左?

gerund - it means "to remember that you have done something."
infinitive - it means "to remember that you need to do something."

It is normally used with a gerund. When used with an infinitive, the infinitive means "in order to."

"try + gerund" means to experiment with different methods to see if something works.
"try to do something" refers to making an effort to do it.

gerund - feel sorry about something you have done.
infinitive (to inform) - to say in a polite way ...

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