中轉英, thx

2015-04-11 12:50 am
中轉英, 急

請將文件簽署後, 試試將文件scan 轉為pdf. 檔案, 之後用email 形式send 個pdf. 檔案比A 公司。睇下A 公司是否接受。


回答 (6)

2015-04-11 1:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
中轉英中請將文件簽署後, 試試將文件scan 轉為pdf. 檔案, 之後用email 形式send 個pdf. 檔案比A 公司。睇下A 公司是否接受。英 Please have the document signed and try to scan it as a pdf. file. Then send the file by email to Company A to see if they will accept it or not.

2015-04-11 04:08:58 補充:
請將文件簽署, 將文件scan 轉為pdf. 檔案, 之後試試用email 形式send 個pdf. 檔案比A 公司。睇下A 公司是否接受。
Please have the document signed and scanned as a pdf file. Then try to send the file by email to Company A to see if they will accept it or not.

2015-04-11 04:19:28 補充:
What Duncan said is so true. The translation will change when the interpretation of the original meaning changes.
2015-04-11 8:43 pm
Keep after signing documents, try to scan documents into pdf. File, then use the email form send a pdf. File than the A's. A company Dixia whether to accept.

google copy 的
2015-04-11 6:11 pm
after singing papers please try to scan documents into idi, archives , according to the email from after send filpct, archives than company A,FA companies whether
to accept
2015-04-11 10:48 am
試試 should be put in front of send 個 pdf 檔案比A 公司。

(try + gerund) for experiment (not to make an effort)

Try sending the pdf document to A company by email to see if they will accept or not.

2015-04-11 02:51:09 補充:
Please have the document signed and scan it as a pdf document.
Then, try sending the pdf document to A company by email to see if they will accept it or not.

2015-04-11 03:00:35 補充:
Chinese is a language being prone to grammatical errors with confusing resulting meaning!!!
2015-04-11 4:34 am
Just a suggestion:

Please have the document signed. Then try to scan it and save it in pdf file format. Email the file to Company A to see if it is acceptable.
2015-04-11 1:07 am
Keep after signing documents, try to scan documents into pdf. File, then use the email form send a pdf. File than the A's. A company Dixia whether to accept.

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