2014 IRA contribution limitation?

2015-04-09 3:01 pm
Filling my tax return for 2014. can I still contribute to IRA, if the couple both covered by work-related 401K, can I still contribute to IRA? any limitation? Our last year AGI is around 150K, can we still contribute?

回答 (4)

2015-04-09 5:27 pm
You can contribute to an IRA however your income is too high to take a deduction for the contribution to a Traditional IRA. For that reason it would make more sense to contribute to a Roth IRA. As long as you file a joint return you are within the income limit for contributions to a Roth IRA
2015-04-09 3:46 pm
deadline for 2014 IRA contributions is 4/15/15
2015-04-09 3:07 pm
You can contribute to a Roth IRA. $5500 limit each, $6500 if age 50 or more.
2015-04-09 3:05 pm
Yes, you can still contribute to the IRA up until the tax filing deadline.

Yes, you can contribute to the IRA even if you also contribute to a 401k, unless your income is high. I think anything less than $178K will be fine. If your income is near that, get some professional advice because you may not be able to deduct the IRA contribution (but you can still make the IRA contribution).

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 01:37:15
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