2012 DSE Maths paper 2 Q17

2015-04-10 4:34 am

回答 (4)

2015-04-10 5:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
Join AF.
Since AD : DG = 1 : 1
So area of triangle DAF = area of triangle DFG = 3 cm^2.
Since DF : FC = 3 : 4
So area of triangle DAF : area of triangle FAC = 3 : 4
So area of triangle FAC = 4 x area of triangle DAF/3 = 4 cm^2.
Area of triangle DAF + area of triangle FAC = 3 + 4 = 7 cm^2 = half the area of parallelgram ABCD, so area of parallelogram of ABCD = 7 x 2 = 14 cm^2. (B)
2015-04-10 10:32 pm
Hai... I have been working out on this question too... too bad... Ask me next time if there are any more math problem... ^_^
2015-04-10 7:41 am
It may be other method.

Using the graph in

Area of ΔGDF = (3ab sin ∠GDF)/2 = 3
∴ab sin∠GDF = 2
Area of ABCD = 2(7ab sin ∠GDF)/2 = 7(2) = 14 cm²

2015-04-10 01:13:52 補充:
係, 哈~

btw,岩岩回覆後又出現番 意見者 嘅英文名 -.-
2015-04-10 5:41 am

加油!!! 還有五日!!!


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2015-04-09 21:42:28 補充:
其實wy 網友的方法更佳,請學習!

2015-04-10 00:58:11 補充:
Thanks, HK~

"There" may be "an"other method.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 15:27:57
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