問問有關英文tenses 問題

2015-04-09 10:44 pm
Mary has died. Mary had long legs.

想問問大家以上句子既tenses 有無錯。

回答 (5)

2015-04-10 8:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
Mary has died. Mary had long legs.
tenses 當然有錯!

(1) You can use Present Perfect tense to describe "current" situation.
Rewriting your sentence:
Mary has died. I still remember her having long legs and a slim figure.

(2) You can also use Simple Past tense to describe action or state happened in the "past".

Rewriting your sentence:
Mary was dead. She had long legs.
Mary died long time ago. She was pretty having long legs and a slim figure.
2015-04-10 7:18 am
Mary has died. (OK)
Mary had long legs. > Mary has a pair of long leg.
2015-04-10 2:40 am
Mary has died. =Mary已經死了
Mary had long legs. =Mary以前有一對長腿
由於Mary已經死了, 所以「有一對長腿」成為往事.
這是「Mary"生前"有一對長腿」的意思. 所以無錯
參考: 沒有
2015-04-10 2:02 am
(1)Mary has died. She died a "long-legged" woman.
(2)Mary has died..She died with her long legs( disappeared or finished.)
(3)Mary has died. She died with her long legs lee.
Present perfect is okay.
2015-04-09 11:56 pm
[has+動詞的過去分詞] 用於已經發生的事情上面(過去完成式)
Mary has died = Mary已經死了

而has 作為動詞的意思是"有", 而had 係has既過去式
Mary had long legs = Mary 曾經有長腿

句式上無錯, 睇你想表達咩意思
好似後面果句Mary had long legs咁, 如果話佢以前有長腿而家無既, 咁呢句成立

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