Will i get pregnant after taken morning after pills?

2015-04-07 6:32 pm
I had unprotected sex on 28th February during the fourth day my period, w re not sure whether he *** inside or not so I took the morning after pill within 24 hours. I had the MAP in January before by the way. And my period delayed almost 6 weeks, I had the pregnancy test and it was negative, my brats feel sore and a lot vaginal discharge but still I am so worry that I might get pregnant, what should I do?:(

回答 (2)

2015-04-07 6:37 pm
No contraceptive is 100% effective.
But if you had sex over a month ago, either you are pregnant or you aren't. You won't 'get pregnant' at this point.
With a negative test, you almost certainly are not pregnant.
2015-04-07 6:51 pm
From what you have described I do not think you could be pregnant. Try to find a reliable method of birth control and use it consistently. Good luck!
2015-04-07 6:43 pm
Well the MAP only tends to work once in a cycle and shouldn't be taken as a regular way to avoid an unplanned pregnancy and for some women and certain times of a cycle it's doesnt work at all. I know it's failed me twice. And ended up pregnsnt twice. The less it's taken the more effective and ideally within 12 hours for over 85%effectiveness with some types depending on which type you were given.
Even though it they say upto 3 or 5 days with some types too, the more hours after unprotected sex the effectiveness goes down and by day 3 or 5 it's rarely effective as ovulation and conception could have already taken place within that time frame.
2015-04-07 6:39 pm
Those are just symptoms from the pill. I was in your situation once and i thought that too but i talked to a nurse from planned parenthood and she said thats only because the pill contains ALOT of hormones, one months worth of regular birth control to be exact, taken all at once throws your body off track thats why they dont reccomend taking emergency pills often in a year (more than twice)

So yeah the soreness is from the pill and your lack of period is because you changed your bodys natural cycle so now its gonna come at a later time. Dont worry

You are most likely not pregnant given the time that you took the pill and since your periods late that means that you werent ovulating at the time you had it so yea you kinda delayed ovulation therefore your period will be later!
Hope i was informative enough :) look to getting on a more effective and regular form of birth control if sexually active.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 19:28:52
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