
2015-04-08 4:09 am
3 Simple Steps to Get a Driver License
Driver license test is different from all the countries in the world. People should comply with the local government's rules to get a legal license. There are many simple steps that can easily get a driver license. First, make sure that trainee is allow to register for the examination, such as age, color blindness, etc, and check the date of driver license test. Second, trainee can take a series of driving lessons to get prepared and practice the skills that trainer teachs every times after class. In addition, good learners can preview every parts and systems of a car that trainee can be competent for the lessons soon. After lessons, trainee can asks trainer to get on the road that can learns many extra things which won’t happen in driving education school, but no pushing. Third, reads driver’s manual carefully to gets ready for the written exam and takes the practice exams again, again, and again. It will help trainee not to be nervous and hit from the blind side. Driver license tast may look difficult, but easy if you follow all these steps and you can get it.

回答 (3)

2015-04-08 5:56 am
✔ 最佳答案

Error and correction 3 simple steps to get a Driver License:-
Correct information is found in the Brackets,(-------),
Driver License test is different from all the countries in the world.
People should comply with the local government's rules to get a legal license.
There are many simple steps that can easily get a driver license.
First, make sure that trainee is allowed to register for the exam. such as age,color blindness,etc.
and check the date of driver license test.
Second, trainee can take a series of driving lessons to get prepare and practice the skills (both before and after class) every time that trainer teaches.
In addition, good learner can preview every part and system of a car that trainee can be competent for the lesson (coming).
After lessons, trainee can ask trainer to get on the road that can help learn many extra things which won't( have) happened in driving education school, but no pushing.
Third, try read driver's manual carefully to get ready for the written exam and take the practice exams again and again.
It will help the trainee not to be nervous and hit from the blind side.
Driver License test may look difficult, but easy if you follow all these steps and you get it !

2015-04-07 22:07:16 補充:
In (3rd)you agree(2)written exam,then (3)keep vehicle going, by steering in practice exam;If failed, then again and again !!!

2015-04-07 22:46:05 補充:
In (3rd)you agree(2)written exam,then (3)keep vehicle going, by steering in practice exam;If failed, then again and again !!!

2015-04-07 22:46:12 補充:
In (3rd)you agree(2)written exam,then (3)keep vehicle going, by steering in practice exam;If failed, then again and again !!!
2015-04-12 4:27 am
多謝 s(知識長)
2015-04-08 5:27 am

就我所知, 考駕照的順序應該是
1. 先註冊.
2. 筆試
3. 準備路試.

所以你的文章應該根據這個步驟重新做安排. 你目前是筆試在最後. 又繼續接路考練習..在結構上來說, 這是大忌. 既然是要follow steps, 就一定要把順序理清楚

用字上也有些需要更動. 文法上面沒有大問題. 改完結構再回來改幾個用字跟文法就ok了

2015-04-07 21:36:49 補充:
trainee用的不好, 我建議用student driver.

這句話不合理, It will help trainee not to be nervous and hit from the blind side. 實際情況是, when changing lane, make sure there is no car coming from your blind side. 與nervous 無關, 與有沒有留意有關. 不管你是不是nervous, 如果你保持在你的車道, 你的死角有沒有車其實無所謂. 不知道不合理的內容是否ok.

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