問問關於英文Grammar 既野
have borrowed a book from the Hong Kong Central Library."
回答 (3)
I have borrowed a book from the Hong Kong Central Library. - correct to use present perfect tense- This sentence tells people that you have borrowed a book.
I have borrowed a book from the Hong Kong Central Library.and it has been returned.- This sentence tells people that you have borrowed a book and returned the book as of this moment.
無錯, 就算你係借左一日之後唔見左, 還左, 定係點, 都唔影響你借左書呢個事實.
不過, 我會用 had 而唔用 have, 因為借書呢件事, 已經過去左好耐.
另外, 我都唔會用 "the" HK centeral libray, 因為中環圖書館只有一個, 無需要用 "the" 作出 "指定" 既意思, 除非同一區有100 間中環圖書館. (比如你屋企有 10 個蘋果, 你要講指定食左放係房入面果一個, 先會用 the 去作出指定, i eat the apple placing at the room)
參考: 自己
i have borrowed a bk and returned within the limited time.
Anything doesn't affect you on the fact that you have borrowed a bk Sun15---Fri27.
But to borrow someone's ideas,to copy from a copy affecting you in piracy.
2015-04-07 05:00:38 補充:
Make use of Contendment to Kelvin's idea,you are not appropriate to ask other questions !
收錄日期: 2021-04-15 19:08:27
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