問問關於英文Grammar 既野

2015-04-07 6:01 am
have borrowed a book from the Hong Kong Central Library."

回答 (3)

2015-04-07 9:32 pm
I have borrowed a book from the Hong Kong Central Library. - correct to use present perfect tense- This sentence tells people that you have borrowed a book.

I have borrowed a book from the Hong Kong Central Library.and it has been returned.- This sentence tells people that you have borrowed a book and returned the book as of this moment.
2015-04-07 8:26 pm
無錯, 就算你係借左一日之後唔見左, 還左, 定係點, 都唔影響你借左書呢個事實.

不過, 我會用 had 而唔用 have, 因為借書呢件事, 已經過去左好耐.

另外, 我都唔會用 "the" HK centeral libray, 因為中環圖書館只有一個, 無需要用 "the" 作出 "指定" 既意思, 除非同一區有100 間中環圖書館. (比如你屋企有 10 個蘋果, 你要講指定食左放係房入面果一個, 先會用 the 去作出指定, i eat the apple placing at the room)
參考: 自己
2015-04-07 12:55 pm
i have borrowed a bk and returned within the limited time.
Anything doesn't affect you on the fact that you have borrowed a bk Sun15---Fri27.
But to borrow someone's ideas,to copy from a copy affecting you in piracy.

2015-04-07 05:00:38 補充:
Make use of Contendment to Kelvin's idea,you are not appropriate to ask other questions !

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