Is life quantifiable?

2015-04-06 4:20 am
Your age does not define your maturity,
your grades don't define your intelect,
and your resume does not define who you are

回答 (54)

2015-04-07 3:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
" In a hundred years from now
Everyone who's living on this planet will be dead
So it's inconsequential really
All the sh@t that you talk
All the bullsh@t that you stand for
It's more important what, what your ready to build
What you're ready to pass down to your children
What you're ready to create"-Immortal technique

I believe life is quantifiable by ones contributions to the world, doesn't have to be good contributions, nor big ones, just anything, even Hitlers contributions count, because they shaped the world and made us what we are today, and who's to say that if Hitler never existed, some other more terrible event wouldn't happen? No one can predict the future, no one can list all effects of any single cause. Some people see life as a flowing river, I see it as a raging sea, so i say put your 2 cents in, and live life to the fullest, regardless of what you want to do, because at a time like this where everyone is fighting for control, moral, philosophical, and psychological diversity is important. I don't believe this because its the right answer, nor because it best suits me, because lets be honest id rather be watching a movie or eating right now, but because it best suits us, as a growing society.
2015-04-06 7:09 am
If you are born with a Silver Spoon and can pretty much buy what you want and live how you want. Then what is quantifiable for the rest may not include you. But if you are part of the rest of us, who have to earn a decent living and the whole nine yards to stay afloat in Life. It is pretty much "it." You can try to disagree with it, or agree with it, and still the rest of the world would not give a rat behind about how we do not want to conform. However, if you are not hyper critical about how life being fair or unfair, how people treat another so differently, and you simply see everything in their highest possible goodness in the level each individual are in, how you change the way you perceive life, will change the way you experience the World.

If say you are now 22 years old, and average lifespan is 70. You only have 48 years left in your clock. And in that same lifespan of 70, people do about 24 years of sleeping or 34% of sleeping life. Subtract further the routines like showers, eating, walking, chatting senselessly and reading some book that is totally fiction, there isn't really enough time to wonder about senseless things that can truly contribute to your emotional, psychological and spiritual growth. So quantify? You do not have to. Just enjoy life to the best possible positive perception of it, and help another if you could. That is all you need.
2015-04-07 1:32 am
Is life quantifiable?
Your age does not define your maturity,

~~~ Spoken like a child!
Of course age is inherent in maturity.
Go look up the definition!
There are, of course, some very old children, but there are relatively no 'mature' children! Perhaps seemingly 'mature' in certain ways, but...
Dues must be paid!
And that takes AGE!

your grades don't define your intelect,

~~~ True enough.

and your resume does not define who you are

~~~ To an extent it does. It is simply not "all inclusive"!
2015-04-06 5:23 am
Sadly, in this life the only quantity anyone seems concerned with is the number of dollars in their bank account.
2015-04-06 4:44 am

Education is not the same as intelligence.

Experience is not the same as wisdom.
2015-04-08 7:33 pm
No it can't and let me explain why:

Nothing that is not yet finished can be measured.
You don't start measuring the amount of water in a bucket while you are still filling it up, there for you're life can't be quantifiable until it is over and that would make it impossible for you do it and since nobody but you can experience you're entire life only you would be able to quantify it... so no.

Of corse if this was a religious conversation, then the answer would be a bit more debatable but I leave that for a different conversation.
2015-04-07 3:13 am
It's Validating... deepening us if we let it be sowed! Some think it's too sad, others' love every thrill, some see life as beautiful, some get touched by such beauty, others not so much... Life is a Giving Tree.... As for how all this works *I don't know!!!*
2015-04-06 3:14 pm
Only if you believe that pigeon-holing people is an exact science.
2015-04-06 12:52 pm
Those things don't define us absolutely, but they are not nothing either. They do go a long way, imo, in describing who we are or at the very least, how we behave.
2015-04-06 11:17 am did I just walk into.

Peace nerds.
2015-04-10 12:40 pm
Fair enough. It's like the difference between seeing a beautiful landscape yourself, or having a scientist explaining to you "this is beautiful because the proportion between this tree and that mountain... Also, the smell of the grass activates your hormone whatever...". The measurements are useful to explain certain things, but cannot substitute the feel of the thing itself. The same with people.
2015-04-10 6:00 am
There isnt a smart or dumb or right or wrong all answers are made of opinions or infrences.
2015-04-09 4:08 am
And yet, here we are.
2015-04-08 10:52 pm
Earthly life ends at death
Eternal life begins at death
Choices determine destiny
2015-04-08 6:58 pm
Your overall behavior defines your life's quantifiable behavior.
2015-04-08 11:08 am
No, life is not quantifiable. We know nothing of our own longevity. For all you know you could be immortal. You won't know until the rest of us die off, and even then you'll be left to wonder whether your lifespan is extremely long or infinite. It isn't necessary to quantify life anyway. What really matters is its quality.
2015-04-08 10:28 am
Yes, Life is quantifiable
2015-04-08 6:16 am
Quantifying life, or anything like it, is making it as objective as limit allows. It would bring us to the edge of insanity, into the abyss of dream sleep and subconscious valued existence.
2015-04-08 5:45 am
Obviously , life is quantifiable.
2015-04-08 3:55 am
2015-04-08 2:16 am
100 %
2015-04-07 8:49 pm
are you speaking of 'life' as an animating force or as existence.
either way, no.
each of us is unlimited in nature.
the more so of existence itself or animation itself.
how can you measure the unlimited?
2015-04-07 8:34 pm
No, what we see, hear, believe, etc is just our perception of mass and force. If you can imagine two babies being taught the color red. But in fact one see's red as blue and the other sees red as yellow, but since they are taught that the color is blue that is reality to them. This means everyone perspective is different in every way, which is just a theory of mine and has not been proven. Since their are so many possibilities it seems that to quantify life would be impossible. Intellect also may not just be brain ability but also the balance of strengths and weaknesses in the brain. For example, if someone were horribly bad at math but great at artistic ability, are they "smart" or "stupid". My thought is none of those since one can be good at one thing and bad at another. The words we use to describe peoples intellect are relative and ultimately untrue. Other factors come in as well. One may have the mind of a whip but a bad skill in concentration and memory. In America "smart" is defined by ones ability to memorize or concentrate.
2015-04-07 4:53 pm
no there is no measurement
2015-04-07 2:50 pm
1... It's all one life.
2015-04-07 2:17 pm
Yes, Life is quantifiable
2015-04-07 10:31 am
If you are born with a Silver Spoon and can pretty much buy what you want and live how you want. Then what is quantifiable for the rest may not include you. But if you are part of the rest of us, who have to earn a decent living and the whole nine yards to stay afloat in Life. It is pretty much "it." You can try to disagree with it, or agree with it, and still the rest of the world would not give a rat behind about how we do not want to conform. However, if you are not hyper critical about how life being fair or unfair, how people treat another so differently, and you simply see everything in their highest possible goodness in the level each individual are in, how you change the way you perceive life, will change the way you experience the World.
2015-04-07 10:20 am
As we all know, there are some things that are obviously immeasurable with numbers or letters, like love, happiness and- this is important- intelligence.

Seriously, if we're really so "clever" at measuring our brains' ability, why are there so many examples of "gaming the system"?
2015-04-07 9:18 am
Your age does not define your maturity => Yes, but as one grows older, he/she typically getting wiser in one or more way. There are some exception cases, of course, but those cases are not the norm.

your grades don't define your intellect => Yes, but assuming that everything goes normal (no cheating etc), usually it is harder for not-so-smart students that smarter students to get good grades.

your resume does not define who you are => Do you mean resume that you send for job application? That kind of resume is typically polished and decorated to make it looks better. It is like edited version of your photograph.
2015-04-07 8:31 am
Yes. Life is quantifiable.
2015-04-07 4:11 am
Only in Journey's you have yet to Experience...0306/2015
2015-04-07 2:57 am
Yes. I think So .Life is best quantifiable.
2015-04-06 10:25 pm
Life itself is the existence of one's bodily function, and one's consciousness. The end of life is the ceasing of bodily function and consciousness.

But with the living of life, and who you are as a person, your explanation is correct, and I agree.
2015-04-06 7:30 pm
Life is only quantitfiable by the good we leave behind, not the wealth we accumulate, regardless of our age or intelligence.
2015-04-06 7:12 pm
2015-04-06 6:17 pm
It is true that age does not define maturity - but this a cultural effect in the World.Life is the best quantifiable. Have a life so would be quantifiable. If life tree,wight and the animal have life so on the quantifiable.
2015-04-06 6:00 pm
Life is the best quantifiable. have a life so would be quantifiable. if life tree,
wight and the animal have life so on the quantifiable.
2015-04-06 5:51 pm
"Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man."- The Word of God. Life is precious. You are not an ape. Get a kjversion Bible and believe.
2015-04-06 5:33 pm
Life is just a chance

Yes age is not maturity,grades are not intelect or wisdom.....and resumes you said

Life is quantifiable ......but not ONLY quantifiable
2015-04-06 5:32 pm
Age, Grades and Prior employment are what we have to work with as flawed as it is.
2015-04-06 4:42 pm
These are the records and moments which make life worth living.

'It never would have happened if Florette had not gone back for the book.' — 'That's life.'
2015-04-06 4:40 pm
not realy, but humans try their damn best to put everthing into numbers
2015-04-06 2:13 pm
if have life so would be quantifiable..\
2015-04-06 2:00 pm
Life is the best quantifiable. have a life so would be quantifiable. if life tree,
wight and the animal have life so on the quantifiable.
2015-04-06 1:54 pm
No, there are too many uncontrolled variable
2015-04-06 1:05 pm
2015-04-06 12:44 pm
Very interesting and profound, answer requires deep thought!
2015-04-06 10:44 am
Sadly, in this life the only quantity anyone seems concerned with is the number of dollars in their bank account.
2015-04-06 10:35 am
Depends of what kind of life you want to live
2015-04-06 9:27 am
I think, YES, But, There is Your Underlying "Quality" to Define You, Wherever, You Are .............
2015-04-07 9:05 am
It is true that age does not define maturity - but this a cultural effect in the World.Life is the best quantifiable. Have a life so would be quantifiable. If life tree,wight and the animal have life so on the quantifiable.
2015-04-07 5:42 am
Yes. Life is quantifiable. Liked any other thing, there is not a single parameter. The 'age' number just denotes the number of years you have lived since birth. This has nothing to do with health or other matters. For blood pressure and other things there are different numbers. Then intelligence is measured by IQ.
2015-04-07 2:28 am
How much is what a person is living a reflection of who they have become?
Is there some field of being where a person is more than even they believe?
A lot has to do with the belief you think you are. The past, the present you've constructed.

Age and grades and resumes do define people-- and such definitions are useful in such situations as employment and the admissions process and wherever age plays into the legal system. But there are other "soft" factors that make a person valuable: their respect for people, their sense of the sacred, their interest in the well-being of the whole. A feeling of responsibility of some sort, responsibility for themselves, responsibility for treating others well, can only come from inner choice. I guess you'd call this character. And I think a person who has character has the ability to define who they are.
2015-04-06 2:53 pm
It is true that age does not define maturity - but this a cultural effect in the West.

Grades DO indicate SOMETHING about you.

Your resume is of critical importance to the possibilities open to you in society. Pretending it has no meaning is foolish.

But life and the human "spirit" (using this word in a non-religious sense) cannot - and never will be ( regardless of what the current neuroscience community claims), quantifiable.
參考: retired MD with 30+ years of observing people

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