
2015-04-06 12:51 am
There are people from different countries in USA.


回答 (2)

2015-04-06 11:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
It is correct to use 現在式 for facts, habits or opinion.

Your sentence: There are people from different countries in (the) USA.
= People from different countries are in the USA.
"people from different countries" is subject of sentence;
"are" is the verb (linking verb): and
"in the USA" is the subject complement.

This sentence doesn't make much sense and shouldn't be what you want to mean.

1. People in the USA are from different countries.
subject = people in the USA
verb = are
subject complement = from different countries (obligatory adverbial)

2. People in the USA come from different countries.
subject = people in the USA
verb = come from (phrasal verb)
object = different countries (object of preposition, or object of phrasal verb)
2015-04-06 7:13 am
其實整句係不對grammar, 中文翻譯,

如果你想講有好多住係美國的人係其他國家的人, you should say,

"There are many people in the USA who came from different countries.''


收錄日期: 2021-04-11 20:59:56
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