Should I buy this dog ?

2015-04-05 7:08 am

回答 (166)

2015-04-05 7:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
It's a very cute dog but is it what you are looking for? Is it free of kneecap problems? It all depends on the health of the dog and what you are looking for in a dog.
2015-04-05 11:27 pm
The breeders are a puppy mill/backyard breeder. The health guarantee isn't worth much, all the conditions they mentions like Luxating patella , etc. are very common in most small toy breeds and the breeder won't cover them and most of the genetic conditions don't show up until after 1yr. of age so I guess you can say the contract protects the bad breeder not the puppy or you.

I suggest that you either rescue a Chihuahua from a shelter and save a life or go to The Chihuahua Club of America and buy from a responsible breeder that does health testing on their breeding stock so you get a healthy pup and check out the rescue dogs threw the club. Supporting puppy mills/backyard breeders is supporting the abuse the breeding adults have to endure. Don't let cute pictures fool you, you want to see the puppy/dog you are going to buy. Backyard breeders/puppy mills are not going to be truthful about anything.

If you think $700 is a good price consider the added cost down the road when health issues start showing up.Good Luck
2015-04-05 7:45 am
The dogs is very cute, do you have time for the dog, does the dog come with heal certificate? Reputable breeder or from a friend or puppy mill?

Just ideas when you look at getting a new dog in the family. Not all dogs come from puppy mills, and not all dogs are from good breeders. It's buyer beware.

If you have the time, money and ability to care for the dog and it's what you have been looking for then get he dog. If the dog isn't exactly what you have been looking for than keep searching. We spend over a year looking for the right pup for my niece, it had to be the right size and the right temperament, color and cost were the last on the list.

Good luck
2015-04-05 8:26 am
If your goal is to make a lowly backyard breeder rich breeding extra small "teacup" dogs, sure. Just be ready for LOTS of vet bills and don't get too attached. These sickly dogs have weak hearts and anemia and don't live very long.

This is the breeder found via Google image search. They have NINE breeding females and three breeding males. Only ONE of these dogs holds a title. They also claim that puppy you are interested in will be a max of 5 pounds as an adult. A breed standard Chihuahua should be about TWICE that weight. I would avoid this horrible backyard breeder at ALL costs.
2015-04-07 1:07 am
Isn't that your choice? Why are you asking us? If you like it and think that it's a good dog for you, why not? Again, it's your choice. Don't go asking total strangers opinions. In fact, if this question is seen by someone else who was considering that dog, you might lose your chance to buy it in the first place. Make up your own mind.
2015-04-05 3:43 pm
Depends on who bred the dog. Was it a backyard breeder or a reputable breeder. I would guess backyard breeder, as reputable breeders don't go dressing up their dogs they want to sell.

Backyard breeders don't care about the dog - they care about the money. Chances are you will have behavior or medical problems from a poorly bred dog. I would not buy the dog unless I know more about it. Not just by a picture. BTW what kind of dog is it supposed to be.
2015-04-05 7:24 pm
Don't buy any dog advertised in a little dress, or sold as "teacup".
NO reputable breeder would even think of doing that, it's a scam for runt puppies with lots of health issues.
2015-04-05 11:25 pm
It all depends on the personality and how much care is needed to suit the dog. Remember, ALWAYS put the dog`s needs and happiness before yours. If the dog is right for you and you really want it(remember it is a huge responsibility), than go for it! In conclusion, it all about the dog, excluding its looks.

To acquire this information, talk to the breeder, shelter, or where ever you are purchasing the dog from.
2015-04-06 12:15 am
I actually own two chihuahua so I will tell you a bit about them from a person who actually owns one
I know a lot of people are saying that chihuahuas are protective of their owners but that actually just depends on the personality. My girl chihuahua is extremely protective over my mum (it's who she bonded with) and will actually nip at anyone who she doesn't trust or imitates her. Now my other boy chihuahua is extremely lov
Ely towards other humas, in fact he loves new people. He will go up to them, wag his tail and sniff around them and just be so friendly, so as for the protective thing it just depends on the personality of the dog, not the breed.
A good thing to do would be to see who bred this dog, like go out and meet the dog first. A good thing to do would be to ask all bout the parents, that's how you know how the puppy will turn out (medical wise). I got my two chihuahuas from breeders, I'm not sure if it was a backyard breeder or not (I was a kid back then) but they did come out of the backyard and their was ALOT of other dogs, all purebred. My two chihuahuas were used for breeding to get purebred puppies and my two were bred before as puppies. They don't have any health problems what so ever so you might be alright but you can never really know
Now the big problem is do you have enough money to afford for this puppy? Do you have enough time to give this puppy ALOT (and I mean ALOT) of attention?
All in all chihuahuas are lovely little dogs but wouldn't you rather rescue a puppy who don't have people at its paws waiting for a auction to begin? I think you would be better off rescuing a puppy from a local animal shelter, trust me, I know this puppy is so cute but it will honestly have no problems finding a home but a puppy from a shelter might
參考: Owner of two chihuahuas,2 cats, 2 fish and one English Staffordshire
2015-04-05 7:14 am
seems like a nice dog
2015-04-05 8:10 pm
I would not do you have a family Chihuahua's are very protective of there one owner And yes I said one! They will bite other members of the family if there hugging or touching you they are better if you see them as dogs and not little people also be prepared to buy puppy pads for its hole life if don't let them outside along they could be swiped up by a another animal If you can handle that for fifteen years go for it but make sure that you don't have to rehome it and most of all look up Your breed know it like the back of your hand hope this helped
2015-04-08 5:50 am
i wouldn't thats a designer dog breed the mother of the litter was injected with something that makes the pups not grow and the have on going health problems like dysplasia and spinal problems! but its up to you look and meet the pup and make sure he is walking right and eyes and coat is shiny if you are going to buy the pup! good luck
參考: trust me i'm an animal behaviourist i know what im talking about!
2015-04-08 2:31 am
Why are you asking others? Doesn't your heart and living circumstances tell you whether you are capable of looking after it and whether you want it?
2015-04-07 10:57 pm
Honey, if it s kind (not mean) and totally adorable, then of course you should! I would! It s like, the cutest thing ever!! But if it s super mean, then go find another cute pup. If not, go for it! (chihuahuas are really really cute and playful, and fun to be around) :D
2015-04-06 5:05 pm
YES OMG YES its a beutiful dog
2015-04-06 12:56 pm
Wisconsin's Sugar Baby Chihuahua's is a BYB. No, I wouldn't touch them. They have only 1 out of their 12 dogs titled. An additional $250 for full registration? Ew. Find somewhere else.
2015-04-06 9:28 am
Yes, buy it..... and rescue it from the person who puts it in that ridiculous dress. Jmo.
2015-04-06 4:26 am
hell no
2015-04-07 5:25 am
You shouldn't 'buy' any dog. Go to your local Humane Society and rescue a dog about to be euthanized. You will save a life and feel good about yourself as well. Best of luck!
2015-04-06 12:56 pm
Does it come with the cute dress.
2015-04-05 9:02 pm
depends what are your needs. what are the dog skills. what is your practical reason to by this dog. how much is it. can you afford it. I don't own a dog. I like to own a few. When I do I want a practical dog first before getting all doggy. is the dog trained to watch your health.
2015-04-05 1:20 pm
If it follows your expectations then go for it
2015-04-05 10:46 am
2015-04-06 11:13 am
Buy it, fatten it up, then eat it.
2015-04-05 7:11 am
If you're able to handle the responsibilities of a pet and give it the proper training and you feel good about the decision to purchase this dog then yes! :)
2016-03-10 4:14 pm
The only website i would consider is Champdogs and then you would have to double check with the breed club that this is a responsible breeder. They only advertise pedigree dogs, not cross breeds. If you want this cross i would contact all the rescue centres. This type of cross breed is sold by puppy farmers and byb trying to make some money and don't do all the relevant health checks on both the parents. This is something to really think about.
2015-04-10 9:46 pm
Think of your five favorite hobbies; would these be things you would want your dog to be with you to do them? Your dog will be with you for the max. of 15 years, do you have time to care for your dog and meet their needs? Look up on the breeder, and make sure it is a reliable breed.
2015-04-10 5:51 pm
There are 2 major reasons that you shouldn't get this dog! First of all, toy breeds come with all sorts of problems, and most likely comes from an irresponsible backyard breeder. The dog will probably have some hidden diseases. Second, Chihuahuas are so easily spoiled and become brats. Get a bigger dog.
2015-04-10 12:36 am
Absolutely not. Wait, it will be up for adoption. Trust me on this! TRUST ME on this! At my vet? They've received a constant influx of itty bitty dogs just like that! Zero purchase price required. You've got to say NO, to kill these people's business. Really, I could give you one, very very similar to that right now. Nice to know you like yapper dogs, lol. I honestly, can't stand them. Everybody has preferences.

If you want a dog like that? Put out an ad stating that you're seeking one. I am serious. Somebody, wanting to give one up, or find a home for a litter, will find you. You can use the silly purchase price money to cover your dog's initial vet visit. One vet visit for a routine work up can run about $300. That's just the beginning.
2015-04-09 11:39 pm
You can tell a lot about a dog by it's eyes. Those eyes look full of wonderment and curiosity.
Maybe you could arrange to keep it for the weekend and see how you get along.
2015-04-09 11:28 pm
Adopt a dog, save a life! :)
2015-04-09 5:43 pm
2015-04-09 5:09 pm
2015-04-09 1:24 pm
I have a pitbull mix my dog does not bark and does the chase anything
2015-04-09 7:06 am
oh sweet jesus yes that is so adorbs and if you dont then you will regret it ;-; look at it omfg.
2015-04-09 3:39 am
The dog is very cute. Can you look after the dog and give them a good home. If you can then yes!
2015-04-09 2:32 am
I have a chihuahua and let me tell you how wonderful they are. She is loyal, loving and very intelligent too.I would definitely get this dog if you are wanting a lovable lap dog that you can spend up to 20 years with. I have never had her bite anyone let alone growl at someone. She may bark when someone comes to the door or goes on our property but besides that, I am so blessed with her.
2015-04-09 1:50 am
It should depends on your situation.
2015-04-08 10:00 pm
Yeah it is nice
2015-04-08 9:56 pm
2015-04-08 8:41 pm
No. If you have to ask strangers on the internet if you should purchase a dog you do not need to buy the dog.
2015-04-08 7:20 pm
No doubt about it! She is adorable, if i saw her at a pet store she would be mine within a second.
Although, if you do not think you would be able to take care of her, please do not adopt her.
Let another home adopt her if you do not think she would be a good idea. SHES ADORABLE!
2015-04-08 7:20 pm
Hey man i have an chihuahua,they are amazing and smart,fart and bark so much but it can be solved easily,kkk
Well search fist on a shelter before buy some ,it's really worth it get one.And like somebody said above,it's a huge responsabilily.
2015-04-08 7:06 pm
He's so cute you should!unless your worth the responsibility!
2015-04-08 6:24 pm
I have a Chihuahua and she dosent bite at all, if any one comes in she wages her tail and a crybark to get there attention so she can get all the love she can get, it depends on how u train them and how much love u give them
2015-04-08 4:25 pm
Yes you should its very cute.. But if that's a Chui Wawa (sorry I don't know how to spell it) I wouldn't get it cause those dogs are more crazy and mean in my opinion but its up to you
2015-04-08 3:18 pm
Yes, its a cute dog.
2015-04-08 2:41 pm
yes yes
2015-04-08 2:01 pm
Its depends how you treat the animal and how much you love and care the dog.
2015-04-08 11:56 am
If it's just for you, it might be enough for a small meal. Cook it in a crock pot with the right spices and it's delicious.
2015-04-08 11:42 am
2015-04-08 11:01 am
wow , nice dog
2015-04-08 10:45 am
Yes, It looks so cute. You should buy this dog.
2015-04-08 9:09 am
It's super cute, but do you have time, space, money and the responsibility to own a dog. If it's one of those auction dogs I would probably go and get one of the rescue dogs instead because their life is on the line!
2015-04-08 7:53 am
Nice dog.u can buy this dog...
2015-04-08 6:14 am
2015-04-08 6:07 am
Yes, you do. It looks very nice.
2015-04-08 5:57 am
Yeap !
2015-04-08 5:08 am
Only if you can look after the dog properly and provide the doggy with a loving home and care.
2015-04-08 4:09 am
yes ,it looks cute
2015-04-08 2:53 am
If she is from a reputable breeder and not from a puppy mill or pet shop and you can afford the life of this dog financially for the next 14 plus years then yeah she's a cutie
2015-04-08 2:08 am
No lol You should get a new foundland they're the best.
2015-04-08 12:49 am
2015-04-07 11:50 pm
aww so cute
2015-04-07 11:41 pm
2015-04-07 11:17 pm
omgggg yessssss sooo cuteeeeeee
2015-04-07 10:48 pm
2015-04-07 6:55 pm
No you should get a big dog that will love you and like you and ruin all your clothes
2015-04-07 6:36 pm
That is a personal matter, I would not, but then I do not like Chihuahua's. If you have checked out the breeder and there is a health certificate AND you like this type of dog go ahead. IF you want it for an asseserity PLEASE DON'T.\
I have three little mix breeds there were rescued from people who didn't see them as ANIMALS that need care.
參考: Dog owner
2015-04-07 5:11 pm
your wish
2015-04-07 4:05 pm
why not
2015-04-07 3:53 pm
Depends on who's selling the dog and what their reputation is. Many dogs come from backyard breeders and mills, so watch out.
2015-04-07 3:44 pm
The dog .. maybe .. but PLEEEEEEEEESE .. not the dress.
2015-04-07 3:16 pm
Yes but only if you're going to take care of it. I have friends that bought cute little dogs just because they were cute, but then they're not even taking care of them properly.
2015-04-07 3:11 pm
dont buy dog
2015-04-07 3:07 pm
Looks cute! You should buy him!
2015-04-07 3:07 pm
This dog is really cute, you should buy it.
2015-04-07 2:44 pm
Rescue a life instead of buying one..
2015-04-07 1:39 pm
wow! so so so cute
2015-04-07 12:25 pm
2015-04-07 12:13 pm
Depends. Do you want to purchase the particular dog or its photo.
參考: own
2015-04-07 11:42 am
Nice dog. Buy it
2015-04-07 11:35 am
yes, this dog is so cute.
2015-04-07 10:55 am
It is very cute
2015-04-07 10:50 am
its cute and all but try not to purchase any dog from a puppy factory. rspca are helping close down puppy factories and its really sad:( maybe adopt one but owners of puppy factories dont deserve to get money.
2015-04-07 10:24 am
It all depends on the personality and how much care is needed to suit the dog. Remember, ALWAYS put the dog`s needs and happiness before yours.
2015-04-07 9:35 am
Your question: "Should I buy this dog ?"

For a cash price up front, I will tell you.

In general it is better to send your cash to me rather than buy a dog.

You can get a dog for free.

But it costs you money to send cash to me.

Thus it is a win-win situation.

Vote for Araktsu.
2015-04-07 9:25 am
It is really cute, but it is up to you. Do you like it? Can you take care of it? Are your families supportive? If yes, then, you can.
2015-04-07 8:20 am
Go for it! Its a cute one.
2015-04-07 8:17 am
If you need the dog buy it.
2015-04-07 5:51 am
the only thing its good for is crapping all over the place!
2015-04-07 5:08 am
I don't care for the Chihuahua's , they're ankle biters, and are usually possessive of one family member.
2015-04-07 2:44 am
I would, its so cute.
2015-04-07 2:39 am
Don t buy a dog, Adopt one
2015-04-07 2:01 am
Being honest, you should ADOPT a dog. There are many pups and dogs who need a home :( If I were you, I'd adopt one just like that :D
2015-04-07 1:40 am
as long as it has a big butt for anal
2015-04-07 1:22 am
Save your money
2015-04-07 12:39 am
yaaasssss it's cute depending on how it treats u or u treat it
2015-04-06 11:58 pm
2015-04-06 11:49 pm
Yes you should
2015-04-06 11:47 pm
2015-04-06 11:27 pm
YES! its so cute!!
2015-04-06 10:25 pm
For what purpose ?you are a sick man!you need help!!
2015-04-06 10:18 pm
yes its so cute
2015-04-06 10:09 pm
It's small. It's cute. It looks alert and smart. So...yes!
2015-04-06 9:27 pm
why not
2015-04-06 9:06 pm
NO IT IS SATAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2015-04-06 8:30 pm
The only person that can decide is you, because if it does not fit your standards it is ****.
2015-04-06 8:22 pm
Look, if you are a girl, then take it. Because the fact that these do breed are just mess up. What i meant is that they are crazy!!!

Truthfully, in my honest opinion do not get it!!!
2015-04-06 8:04 pm
2015-04-06 7:13 pm
If I could afford her and knew where to get her I would buy her instantly she is a delightful little dog
2015-04-06 7:06 pm
Aaaaw :) he's quite cute though tbh! OMG where did you find that pick? That little outfit though <3 OMG awwww! :')
2015-04-06 6:57 pm
Don't ask us, it all depends on you and if you like it, our opinions are futile as well as we are not living with that dog, it's yours.
2015-04-06 6:53 pm
Yeah so it and you can poo on each other
參考: Your butt cheek is pooping right now
2015-04-06 6:15 pm
That's upon you to decide
2015-04-06 5:30 pm
Yes it seems a very nice little dog is it the only have if o make sure it's gonna get on with your other dog/dogs. Interduice them to each other.
2015-04-06 4:54 pm
If you can take good care of this dog, go ahead!
2015-04-06 2:41 pm
2015-04-06 1:05 pm
2015-04-06 11:00 am
Yesss... so cute puppy... Just make sure that you can take a proper care of this puppy,, like regular health checkup, vaccinations, grooming and all.
2015-04-06 10:36 am
Yes but my friend has that dog and it can give you a nasty bite so train it from a young age
2015-04-06 8:23 am
Read what the Dog Whisperer (DW) says about dogs like this... . Might be insightful.

Ok. I have to add now. The DW - from what I understand - indicates that the most STABLE dogs are street dogs, adopted by street people. The most "unstable" (or not having fun) are the Hollywood Foo-Foos.
2015-04-06 8:23 am
Are you sure it's a dog not a rabbit?
she's so cute, yes! buy her
2015-04-06 6:27 am
any reason to buy this dog. if you want to be as a pet; you can buy this dog.
but, not as the guard or even as the security.
I wish to have a better dog with more power.
2015-04-06 2:06 am
Why not? It seems a very nice little dog is it the only have if you make sure it's gonna get on with your other dog/dogs. Interdict them to each other
2015-04-06 12:00 am
Yes, why not. Its cute and loveable. Just don't get close to it until you give it a vet checkup.
2015-04-05 9:16 pm
Yes. You can buy this dog. This is very cute. But if you maintain this.
2015-04-10 5:56 am
Isn't that your choice? Why are you asking us? If you like it and think that it's a good dog for you, why not? Again, it's your choice. Don't go asking total strangers opinions. In fact, if this question is seen by someone else who was considering that dog, you might lose your chance to buy it in the first place. Make up your own mind.
2015-04-09 11:12 pm
Chihuahuas suck. Get ready for tons of health problems. Especially if it's from a puppy mill/backyard.
2015-04-08 8:28 am
Dont do this;)
2015-04-07 10:34 am
It depends on how easy it is to handle, breed and cleans EVERY SINGLE DAY. Well you may not want to breed it, every single day, but if you want to breed the dog regularly try every five months after you breed it. If it is a small breed, not very identifiable, like a chihuahua it will snarl and be a little scary. If it seems easy to handle, loving and over all playful and cute, I would'nt hold you back. Go ahead. But if you have not seen the puppy yet ask the shop keeper/owner if it is most of all those thing I said above. If they don't get back to you try ringing them or visiting their house for a while and see how the puppies like, it may be quite embarrassing but I had to do it once. You don't want to buy a fierce dog that's not at all handy. But if you want It after all this go ahead, if you want a different dog go ahead. Ps I own lots of animals and I know a lot about them, and I am a zooologist.
PP.S from the angle of the dog it's quite hard to tell it was a chihuahua so you might want to put up another picture because people could give you the wrong advice for yourself and your dog anyway. Hope this helps! Good luck!!
2015-04-07 5:50 am
2015-04-06 10:03 pm
no. buy this one.

Shirley Helps xx
2015-04-06 4:15 pm
u should let it eat u out like the other retard on yahoo answers
2015-04-06 3:27 pm
2015-04-06 2:46 pm
Yes he's so cute
2015-04-06 2:30 pm
No, looks ugly.
2015-04-06 2:28 pm
Yes. Then take it to the pound and have it put down. Put it out of its misery for crying out loud !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2015-04-06 2:15 pm
Buy it if you like and love it.
2015-04-06 2:03 pm
maybe it depends
2015-04-06 1:45 pm
yes! it's adorable! <3
2015-04-06 1:32 pm
it is entirely your choice, it looks cute too
2015-04-06 12:37 pm
Yes!!!! She's adorable :)
2015-04-06 12:30 pm
Yep you can.
2015-04-06 12:14 pm
yes !!!
2015-04-06 11:28 am
It looks cute...go for it
2015-04-06 8:35 am
thought this seems to be cute, you can buy this as a pet
2015-04-06 7:15 am
ya sure it's so cuteeeeeeeeee
2015-04-06 4:04 am
pues es tu gusto ovio un perrito lo tienes q cuidar mucho como si fuera un miembro de tu familia
2015-04-06 2:35 am
If you want to.
2015-04-06 1:52 am
Depends,does it come with the dress?
2015-04-06 12:48 am
2015-04-06 12:01 am
2015-04-05 11:44 pm
it looks very cool. i like golden retrivers but i think u should
2015-04-05 11:44 pm
2015-04-05 9:57 pm
i like dogs that are golden retrievers or German shepard
2015-04-05 7:10 pm
Yes - would make a nice dinner.
2015-04-05 6:45 pm
if you visit the breeder and ask the relevant questions, then go right ahead/
2015-04-05 5:28 pm
Well first ask yourself this, Is it fluffy, is it big but not too big, is it nice, does it like being petted, how much it eats, and here a big one how big its turds are. If you are satisfied with the answers to those questions BUY IT!
2015-04-05 4:24 pm
Yea!!so cute!!^_^ yea its a great dog!:)
2015-04-06 5:57 pm
I would not do you have a family Chihuahua's are very protective of there one owner And yes I said one! They will bite other members of the family if there hugging or touching you they are better if you see them as dogs and not little people also be prepared to buy puppy pads for its hole life if don't let them outside along they could be swiped up by a another animal If you can handle that for fifteen years go for it but make sure that you don't have to rehome it and most of all look up Your breed know it like the back of your hand hope this helped
2015-04-06 11:57 am
Looks lovely.
G ahead.
Best of luck.
2015-04-06 10:49 am
Yes. It looks like a lovely dog. Go for it.
2015-04-06 8:54 am
Yes, with the shirt surely.
2015-04-06 5:44 am
Yes, you can buy. It looks pretty.
2015-04-05 3:50 pm
Yes it seems a very nice little dog is it the only have if o make sure it's gonna get on with your other dog/dogs. Interduice them to each other.
2015-04-06 10:45 pm
That's harsh. Don't ask he internet if you should buy a dog. That poor dog to have an owner who needs permission to want you.
2015-04-05 7:25 am
Yes! It looks cute on your dog ;)

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