Start taking AP courses in 12th grade? (IB in 11th grade)?

2015-04-04 3:15 pm
I'm in my 1st year of IBDP and my parents and I are moving home where there're no schools that offer IBDP or IB classes, so I'm wondering if it's okay to change to the AP program in 12th grade and still manage to apply to good universities like UCLA?

回答 (2)

2015-04-04 4:23 pm
You can apply anywhere. Having a chance to get accepted is something else. There are a few other variables besides AP classes. Overall GPA is one; it better be in the 4.0 (unweighted) neighborhood, especially if you're out of state. You should take the SAT and ACT at the end of your junior year to insure the results are at the universities when your application arrives. Yes, take a couple or three AP classes, if you think you can handle them.
2015-04-04 4:06 pm

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