
2015-04-04 5:55 pm
首先我visit Apple Street ,發覺條路長。之後我就visit Orange Street ,我發現左條街路面不平。當我visit 完Orange Street 無耐,我就咁講"Today, first, I visited Apple Street. The street was long. Then I visited Orange Street. The surface of the street was uneven." ,想問d tenses 用得岩唔岩。

回答 (5)

2015-04-04 9:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Your tenses are correct but it is too boring. It will be better:

Today, I visited Apple Street first. The street was long so I was really tired. Then I visited Orange Street. I find that the surface of the street was uneven.
2015-04-08 3:14 am
Here's what I'd do:

The first thing I did today was to visit Apple Street. When I got there, I found out
that the street was longer than what I expected! After a long and tiring walk, I found myself at Orange Street. The surface of the street was uneven, so I had to watch
my step.
參考: Myself
2015-04-05 10:02 pm
TENSE isn't everything! There are many other aspects when it comes to learning Englsih.

It is correct to use Simple Past tense to describe events in the past.

I thought (that) the road was long.

I found (that) the road was bumpy.

Here is the recap of my journey today:
I first went to Apple Street. I thought it was really long. Then I went to Orange Street. As I walked along the road, I found it very bumpy.
2015-04-05 2:59 am
present perfect continuous:-
Today I have been visiting Apple St.for too long, longing for an Apple Computer.
Then I have been visiting Orange St. for uneven pavements extending up to present unperfect condition too long for my having a longing for an Orange Computer.
2015-04-05 12:57 am
Your sentences was very bored and not vivid . So , I let it very vivid and longer than the other one .

Today , I visited Apple Street first . I think the street was the longest road that I have seen already.I felt bored and very tired so I visited Orange road . I discover the street of the pavement was uneven.
參考: Me

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