How to come out as an atheist to my mother?

2015-04-03 3:40 am
Let me just make this clear first....My mother is a VERY religious black christian women, who would probably tear me to shreds if she found out that my views directly oppose her's, and that I ultimately DO NOT believe in her god. But, it's super tiring lying to her and my family everyday, and I'd rather not be forced to participate in "communion" or daily bible lessons (I'm sick of it!). I'm just about done listening to her homophobic rants, crackpot theories, how yoga is satanic, and fake tongue speaking. Yet, I feel like if I came out now, she'd disregard it as a rebellious phase, or someone that's possessed, angry, or in need of severe "prayer". Alas, I respect her beliefs and all, but not when they're being imposed on me in a psychotic manner.

How do I come out as an Athiest?

Please, no, "I'll pray for you" or and scripture. Keep that bullshite to yourself.

回答 (8)

2015-04-03 3:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
You leave out your age, which is a significant bit of data in terms of what to suggest to you.

The reason why it's significant is that, say, if you were 14, you'd be in a position where being thrown out by your religious parent (And, sadly, this does happen far more often than you hear) would have profound and immediate consequences on your day to day life. But, if you were 18, you'd be in a better position to deal with moving out and forming your own life on a day to day level.

In general, I would suggest a gradual approach, rather than just blurting it out in one go. This would allow her to be more psychologically prepared for your view to be different from her own.
2015-04-03 3:46 am
My parents and grandparents are all atheists so I've never experienced this problem or had to "come out" as an atheist. I suppose you could just tell her that you love her but not her god and hopefully if she loves you then she'll get over it and realise there are more important things than what your beliefs are.
2015-04-03 3:42 am
If you are still under her care, it would be in your best interest to say nothing until you are no longer under her care.
2015-04-03 3:53 am
you just simply tell her
2015-04-03 3:52 am
Tell her. Just tell her. You need to show her that you're serious about being an atheist and that it's not just a phase. Do this by being consistently atheist over a long period of time.

And no, it's not good to lie to your family. You should tell them all the truth. An atheist is who you are so they must accept you as you are.
2015-04-03 3:41 am
I wouldn't tell her. Why, if it's going to damage your relationship and make her act crazy. Also, atheists don't have to come out.
2015-04-03 3:42 am
Please let her know how we came from nothing
2015-04-03 4:23 am
Why not tell your mother. You have lost so much already why hold back.
You are tired of religion but when you no longer have Jesus you dont have much. Has your life become a train wreck of disappointment yet? It will and you will always fight to defend your rebellious position but for what, so you can call your self tough, cool or intelligent. satan loves this group of people they are easy pickings. So now you have satan whether you want him or not. Thats why your mother will freak, because you have not listened to her, to God or anyone but satan and yourself. By not telling her you are lying every day. satan is the father of all lies, you are acting like him.

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