Let me just make this clear first....My mother is a VERY religious black christian women, who would probably tear me to shreds if she found out that my views directly oppose her's, and that I ultimately DO NOT believe in her god. But, it's super tiring lying to her and my family everyday, and I'd rather not be forced to participate in "communion" or daily bible lessons (I'm sick of it!). I'm just about done listening to her homophobic rants, crackpot theories, how yoga is satanic, and fake tongue speaking. Yet, I feel like if I came out now, she'd disregard it as a rebellious phase, or someone that's possessed, angry, or in need of severe "prayer". Alas, I respect her beliefs and all, but not when they're being imposed on me in a psychotic manner.
How do I come out as an Athiest?
Please, no, "I'll pray for you" or and scripture. Keep that bullshite to yourself.