How often should we shampoo our hairs?

2015-04-02 9:19 pm
Short, long, red, dark… we all need a good shampoo to get our hair to look shiny and clean! But how often? That is a good question! What’s your best tips to get incredible and beautiful hairs. Beauty experts or not, we want to hear from everyone!


回答 (197)

2015-04-03 12:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
It's not so much how often, what products you used, but CLEAN HEALTHY hair is always silky, shiny, soft, & smooth. Works best, if you have straight to wavy hair. Straight hair: Sleek.
- Shiny (reflects light easily). 
- Hard to damage.
- Very hard to curl.
- Easily becomes oily, if using the wrong product, (but not my hair since I don't use conditioner), while wavy hair has more shine than curly hair.

Curly hair not so much, and you can't change the texture of the hair by using the most expensive products, shampooing often or less. - Does not have lots of sheen. 
- Prone to damage.
- Easily frizzes in the humid climate.

Kinky hair, is the most fragile, less shine, and there's no way to make them shinier. It is the most driest of all hair types and most fragile.

I wash mine when my bangs starts to get greasy, by the 6th to 7th day. My hair is down to my knees. The only product I used is shampoo. We have soft water. Even Kim K washes her hair every 5 days!

It varies from hair to hair, shampoo / conditioner used, and how you're styling your hair and what products you're using, and how much your hair is exposed to pollution. As you can see from different texture mentioned above.

If you're using hair products, and live in a very polluted city, wash your hair everyday!

Washing less often, builds the natural oil your hair needs, to get them smoother, shinier, silkier, softer. Man-made products are just temporary, until you wash them again, and at the same time washing off the natural oil your hair NEEDS. Hair products just absorb on your hair if they're dry, like a sponge.

Chart-topping, 17yr.old Kiwi pop star Lorde says her hidden talent: "I can go 6 weeks without washing my hair." Google: Big hair, don't care! Lorde's wild tresses take center stage as she performs at the iHeartRadio Music Festival  9-14. She’s also the new Elle Oct. 2014 issue cover!

Jennifer Aniston: When asked if she washes her hair after workouts, she said, "No, I don't. I actually don't. A little sweat in the hair is nice. It's like a little product. You just blow it out with your fingers and it's actually just fun."
2015-04-03 1:33 am
It depends on your hair, as mentioned above, but age counts as well. If you are a little kid, you probably don't need to wash it too often, but if you are a teen, your hormones stimulate oil production, which causes very oily hair as well as acne. In this case, washing it every 1-2 days would be best.

As an adult, there are a wide variety of ranges for which products you should use, what your hair is like, and even where you live. (Do you live in a dry climate? Or at high altitudes? Maybe in a tropical region?) If you need advice, ask those you know who have a similar hair to yours and see what they do. Gaining the opinions of several hairdressers would be wise as well.

As for me, I take a shower and get my hair wet every day, since I am a young adult. I do a quick run-through with a 2-in-1 shampoo+conditioner, since I need the moisturizing effects of conditioner, but the oil restoring worsens my oily hair problem. About twice a week, I do a thorough job with the 2-in-1, as well as apple cider vinegar. I learned recently that apple cider vinegar really helps with excess oil buildup and moisturizing. I have short, thick hair, so a lot of oil collects fast. Someone with longer hair would not need to do this as frequently.
Note: Do not do what I do if you have dry hair. I have no idea what will happen... ;)

Overall, to keep a healthy hair, you should find out what works best for you based on you circumstances and your preferences. Although a little vinegar wouldn't hurt...
2015-04-03 2:13 am
I am african american and have natural hair. With that being said, my hair gets really dry and I need to constantly apply oils to my hair to keep it moisturized. I only use a deep conditioner for a regular wash day, I only use shampoo when my hair is extremely dirty like if I just took out braids or a weave. I recommend using shampoo on days when your hair is very dirty or at least once a week, Invest in a good co wash for the other days.
2015-04-05 1:30 pm
Well, it really does depend on your hair. One thing is certain though, washing hair everyday is very bad for your hair. Not only does it dry your hair out in some instances, it can add oil to your hair. For example, I know a person (I won't mention who for privacy) but she began washing her hair maybe every 3 days, which ended up being everyday. The reason she did this, was because her hair got oily so she would shampoo it to get rid of it. As you would probably know by now, shampoo strips down natural oils produced by your body. When your hair doesn't have enough of these oils, it produces even more so you wash it even more and so on. I would personally recommend washing your hair no more than every 2 days, 3 if possible. Of course, it does depend on your hair type but honey, please be careful with your hair!

All the best :)
2015-04-03 1:21 pm
I'd say every 3-4 days, since I've seen some people say that it's bad to wash your hair EVERY day because it washes away the oils or something like that, and it's just bad, plus why would you want to wash your hair every or every two days? I've read some of the comments, and apparently a lot of people do it, but in my opinion, it'd just be a pain. But it might actually depend on what type of hair you have, what climate you live in, and how old you are, but I can't give you any specific things, because I don't know them.. But if you're more curious, you can just look at all of the answers, or look it up and if you see a certain answer coming up several times, that's probably the right one! Good luck. ^_^
2015-04-03 1:59 pm
I only shampoo my hair once every 2 weeks or so. I wash it with water more often than that, but have found that only shampooing it that often means that it's really soft and stays soft for a while. Plus, I save loads of money on products
2015-04-03 3:41 pm
This depends on your personal preference and needs. Some people have very active sweat and oil glands that are in our head skin. This would be a situation where one would prefer to shampoo daily. Others have dry, scaly scalp and would want to shampoo every 2 or 3 days but feel pressured to comply with cultural expectations to shampoo daily.
We all seek to have beautiful thick hair for the most part but settle for thin & stringy with hopes of finding the miracle product to give us what our hearts desire. So many shampoos for every type of hair or hair wannabee.
So to answer your question with some magical words or numbers is not realistic. Only for you to find what works for you and the look you want for your hair.
2015-04-07 8:49 pm
Personally, I wash my hair 2-3 each week! If you wash it every day, it dries it out and damages it and makes it very hard for your natural oils to soak up in your hair!
When I had pretty badly damaged hair, I would (still do) wait a couple of days before my next wash, and when I washed it, I would use mane n' tail. Yes, it's horse shampoo, but it's extremely helpful and definitely can be used for human hair. How do you think horses get that shiny coat? ;) Maybe once a week I would use a deep conditioner for extra help if needed!
2015-04-06 12:32 pm
I am african american and have natural hair. With that being said, my hair gets really dry and I need to constantly apply oils to my hair to keep it moisturized. I only use a deep conditioner for a regular wash day, I only use shampoo when my hair is extremely dirty like if I just took out braids or a weave. I recommend using shampoo on days when your hair is very dirty or at least once a week, Invest in a good co wash for the other days.
2015-04-04 11:42 pm
I use it everyday and if I don't my hair condition gets bad. I personally think it depends on your hair. If your hair can remain shiny and clean for a week you should use it every saturday or sunday. To test the quality of your hair you should make a graph and see how many days your hair can stay clean. Also it depends on the shampoo if your shampoo is really fancy and high quality you probably should use it every week or every 3 days. Obviously if the quality is really bad you should use it every day or even wash your hair in the morning in the evening and in night time.
2015-04-03 10:35 am
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