Trying to sell our home on your own, any advice from people with experience doing this?

2015-04-02 3:13 pm
We want to sell without a real estate agent. I have done some research but wondering if any one who has experience in this has any tips? we are going to hire a lawyer to draw up the sales agreement.

回答 (4)

2015-04-02 3:49 pm
how do plan on advertising it without the help of MLS that realtors use? - plus YOU have do all the showings, etc - it will probably take you 3 times as long to sell it - if you sell it at all
2015-04-02 3:40 pm
Remember what you like, not everyone else will. So get rid of clutter and bigger items, have the basics, simple colors, minimum on the walls, have cookies or something done when doing an open house, have a friend there during an open house instead of you, do a lot of advertising in the area and online. Price houses in the area and put your place around that. If you get an offer make sure you do not accept something that is a lot lower unless you have to.
2015-04-02 5:33 pm
It can be done but may take longer to sell since you will have to attract your own potential buyers. You definitely need legal advice from a real estate attorney or escrow company to make sure you comply to all of the disclosure laws and state requirements. Good Luck
2015-04-02 4:46 pm
I am in the process of buying without an estate agent. I found the house by putting leaflets through doors and the seller contacted me. We were both lucky to find each other at the right time.
As you used the term 'real estate agent', I am guessing you are in the USA. Have you looked at websites to advertise your house privately? They will cost a bit, but far less than using an agent. Here in the UK, the agents use a website called Zoopla but private sellers can't. There are many new websites starting where people can advertise their houses for sale privately. Rather than allow anyone who wants to view at any time, consider setting aside two or three weekend days and advertising that viewing by appointment only. That way, if you are lucky, you may get two or three people in to view on one day and not spread over a few days. You will only need to be clean and tidy for those days when you have viewings. Make sure that you take some good photos. When I sold my house (through an agent), their photographer used a wide angled lens and made my house look fantastic. The better the photos, the more chance of people being interested.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 01:34:20
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