Should I be upset at my girlfriend for this?

2015-04-02 6:16 am
So we both go to different colleges, she has a 3.8 GPA and I have a 3.1 GPA because I took a tough calc class and messed up on the final exam, I was very upset it dragged my GPA down, and I even cried to her one night because I was so upset I did poorly in the class. My girlfriend and I were talking last night and I told her I was taking an easy language next year, French, she told me it wasn't easy (she took it at her school). I told her some of my friends told me it was easy. She said it takes a lot of hard work. I told her I usually blow off my classes, but I still think I could get an A in French. she then said "Oh yeah, is your GPA where you want it?" in a very offensive implying tone. I got upset and told her to quit it, then she said, "How's blowing off classes going for you?". I told her she was being a jerk and insensitive, then she continued to say "I'm not being a jerk, I'm just being honest." I was very hurt by this, I always give her support and congratulate her on her academic success , but she just put me down. Then she adamantly refused she had done anything wrong. Later, she said she wasn't being rude and she thinks I'm "capable of success", like I'm not already achieving it. This hurt me really bad. I love this girl and it hurts for her to be so mean to me when I've never insulted her. Do I have a right to be mad?

回答 (2)

2016-04-06 9:48 pm
Yes, you have a right to be mad at her . Is she using her GPA against you ? That is so rude . I don't think that will be a relationship that lasts . So, if she ends up with a higher paying job than you in the future, what's she going to do ? Use that against you ? If she has a nicer car, what is she going to do ? Make fun of yours ? That was very rude but sometimes, we say things that we regret. Maybe she regrets it . You should ask her . Or just wait until she apologizes . Let's see how long that will take ? And if you want to take French, take it. You don't need her permission. Is she your girlfriend or are you her ***** ?
2015-04-02 6:36 am
Let me get this straight. All of this started off because she made better grades than you did? Are you that conflicted with yourself that you would make this a point of contention?

If she made better grades than you did, then be humble and congratulate her. Just because she made better grades doesn't make you less than a man for it. Acting like a piss ant about it does. As long as she is willing to love you for who you are then be happy for her.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 01:36:12
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