Can you store electricity?

2015-04-01 2:32 pm

回答 (10)

2015-04-01 4:20 pm
You can store it in a battery. Thats really the only way.
2015-04-01 2:37 pm
It is stored in a battery.
2015-04-02 3:59 am
Electricity is a form of energy and as such, can be converted into other forms as well as stored directly as electricity.

Electricity in it's original form can be stored in a capacitor or one of the higher efficiency super capacitors.

We often say that electricity can be stored in a battery, but in reality, the electricity used to "charge" the battery converts certain chemicals inside the battery so that they will generate electricity by the reversal of that chemical reaction later when needed.

In some instances where great quantities of electricity must be stored for some period of time, such as at a power generation station, excess electricity or the raw mechanical energy to produce it can be redirected. Often it is redirected into a bank of large, rotating flywheels designed so that the mechanical load of the huge generators they use can be connected to these flywheels so they help provide the turning energy to later produce a burst of electricity from what would have been wasted mechanical energy. This particular example is fairly common in some types of power generation plants where it is necessary to balance the electrical production to rapidly changing demand for large amounts of electricity on the grid.

I hope this will help you understand a bit more about how we use and store electricity as well as other energy better. Good luck!
2015-04-01 6:12 pm
Haven't you ever heard of a "storage battery" ?
2015-07-07 10:34 am
Energy storage is accomplished by devices or physical media that store energy to perform useful processes at a later time. A device that stores energy is sometimes called an accumulator.
2015-04-17 9:14 pm
Yes, this invention is called a battery.
2015-04-04 2:40 pm
yes u can store electricity in batteries,, like laptops and cell phones,,, they usually use a rectifiers which converts AC to DC so electricity can be stored
2015-04-03 2:28 pm
The answer to the question as such relates to AC only I think from my point of view and as every one knows ac cannot be stored like Dc but it remains in the circuit as long as you use it retaining the supply line through to a load.
2015-04-03 11:10 am
Electricity is not easily stored, as batteries are not very efficient and contain toxic chemicals. Capacitors are better in theory, and new types aka "thin layer" or "supercapacitors" have recently proved more effective, to the extent that they are now used in tandem with batteries in heavy
miltary vehicles like tanks, thoguh I can think of much better uses.
The best store is the sun, it has been keeping everything on earth alive for millions of years and now much of our electricity comes from solar PV panels. You can also store energy simply by lifting weights, then powering generators by the falling weight. Or by building a dam to hold back fresh or sea-water which can then be used to power hydro turbines. That's not storing electricity as such, technically it's making Potential Gravitational Energy.
2015-04-02 7:48 pm
Electricity can be stored in a battery. However, there many types of batteries to choose from.

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