I'm so sick and having severe symptoms?

2015-03-31 2:22 pm
last month I was diagnosed with uvulitis and was given antibiotics. After I finished the antibiotics things have been getting worse. I've been extremely tired, my neck hurts so bad I can hardly move it, I'm epileptic and I've been having seizures which I havent had since 2010 when I became medicated, my throat is swollen, I have bad abdominal pain, severe headache all the time and it won't go away, trouble moving my mouth, can't see very well, couldn't see out of my left eye last night it was like there was a black dot covering my eye, very sensitive to light, off and on fever, my glands are so swollen that you see the swelling around my jaw line, im having trouble talking, stuttering,confused can't focous, shaking, patches of red bumps on my uvula, trouble swallowing, no appetite, and my body feels so weak and achey, my ears hurt and my face. What does this sound like what could this be I'm in so much pain !!!

回答 (1)

2015-03-31 2:29 pm
You need to go back to the doctor. You just listed more than 20 symptoms! There's no way any of us can know what's wrong with you. Go to the doctor already.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 01:36:33
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