英文present perfect 問題

2015-03-31 7:25 pm
Mary 現在已去世,我想講俾人聽佢曾經問過我一條複雜既問題。我宜家係米應該講"Mary has asked me a complicated question." 係lee 個情況下用現在完成式有無問題。

回答 (4)

2015-04-01 3:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
"Mary has asked me a complicated question."

We use 現在完成式( present perfect simple) to

1: talk about a time period that is not finished
Obviously, writer needs to add time expression here. Therefore this rule can not apply to your sentence.

2. To show that something happened at some point in the past before now. We don't state when it happened.

Your sentence can apply this rule.
Therefore, your sentence is correct

However, if you want to add Mary is dead.
You may say

Mary had asked me a complicated question before she died. ( I use 過去完成式 in this sentence.)

We use 過去完成式 to talk about the past and want to mention something happen earlier
參考: Cambridge grammar for ielts
2015-04-09 9:20 pm
If you want to combine two meanings of death and asking question into one
sentence, you should use past perfect instead of present perfect, the reason is Mary doesn't ask the question to you now, and her death is not due to asking question.

But if you want to show the impact/effect of asking question, you should use
present perfect tense
E.g. I think about my future as Mary has asked me a complicated question

Present perfect tense is used when an action still continue in the present or
you want to describe the effect of the action at present.

Past perfect tense shows the chronological order (時序)/先後次序. As in the
situation you mentioned, asking question is occured before death, and the two
actions are not related to each other, past perfect tense should be used to
show that the action of asking question is before Mary's death.

E.g. Before she died, she had asked me a complicated question.
參考: from my experience and my usage book
2015-04-01 4:04 am
Perfect (tense).is a past tense
The complication questions Mary asked
=Is" Mary has gone "means present participle ?
=Can present participle substitutes past participle ?

(1)She has asked (me) a complicated question.

(2)She has gone.(=died)

The "Ideal Home "002= +1
2015-03-31 8:37 pm
Mary HAD asked me a complicated question.

HAD is past tense

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