How to hide my stomach growls in class?

2015-03-31 2:08 am
Every day during third period I'm really hungry and my stomach starts growling soo loudly. Definitely loud enough for my teacher, who sits right in front of me, and the three boys around me to hear. I know it's a normal body function but no one else's stomach ever growls! I eat a good breakfast and I bring snacks to school, but no matter what I still am starving by 3rd period. Today we were reading silently for 35 minutes and i just-oh my gosh it was so embarrassing. Like every 5 minutes it would growl! Then after class i heard my teacher say to one of the guys "Was that me?"-maybe he was talking about something completely different, but I'm not so sure and now I'm so nervous to go back to class bc it was just... SO loud. Too loud for page turning and zipping up backpacks to hide.

回答 (3)

2015-03-31 2:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
Breath in when you feel one coming on, or take a sip of water, or take in a little snack, nothing too big, maybe just a tiny bit of chocolate or shortbread to fill in the gaps :)
2015-03-31 3:22 am
Are you eating an dairy in the morning? Maybe thats it, if not, try going a day without breakfast just water to see what happens, maybe the noises is just you stomach digesting very loud haha.
2015-03-31 2:35 am
Eat something.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 01:33:33
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