Homemade Alcohol?

2015-03-31 1:12 am
Can someone tell me more about the process of home brewing alcohol? I want to know how it's done, about how much it costs to do, how long it takes to make, and so on.

I'm particularly interested in brewing things that are not available commercially, such as mead (honey wine). The more info that you have, the better. Please share!

回答 (6)

2015-04-05 12:29 am
Your best bet for mead is a book by Papazian, The New Complete Joy of Home Brewing. Most of the recipes are for beer but there are several for mead. If you want to make decent mead, don't be in a hurry. I let it age for a year before drinking any and some people wait twice as long. It's worth it.
2015-03-31 7:40 pm
Truly YouTube seriously step by step instructions on things like honey mead and old style brews.
2015-03-31 12:28 pm
There are thousands and thousands of recipes online for making both wine and beer. Far better than asking here - just to a search. Mead, by the way. is a very nice drink if properly made and it isn't difficult. Just make sure that, whatever recipe you use, you stick to it exactly.
2015-03-31 6:30 am
I really suggest finding a book on this with some recipes.

But for starters, get the principle - any recipe has to include something containing carbohydrates/sugars, and yeast to ferment that into half alcohol, half carbon dioxide. The fermentation is what takes the time (a lot longer for wine than beer) so you need somewhere to keep it while it does its thing. In making wine, yeast naturally grows on the skin of the grapes so it can even be done by just crushing the grapes to get the juice out, and just letting it happen. Though usually a wine yeast is added. But fermenting grape juice tends to attract vinegar flies, and they will make it turn into wine vinegar, so the usual way to do it at home is to bottle the prepared juice in a big jar with a sterilised trap so the carbon dioxide gas can get out but the flies can't get in. When there is no more gas blupping through the sterile liquid in the trap, you know it's done! The yeast has run out of sugar to feed on and dies. Beer ferments much quicker so you can even do it just in a big plastic bin as it will only take a week or two.

(Even bread is made this way. It's just that when you make bread, it's the gas that you want to make it rise, and the alcohol boils off in the oven.)

I haven't done this myself but my Dad did and he made "English country wines" (yes I'm English) from easily available fruits, even some we went out and picked from trees so the basic ingredient was free.

Anyway... http://www.homebrewersassociation.org/how-to-brew/mead/mead-recipes/ will start you off with some actual recipes, and http://www.homebrewersassociation.org/how-to-brew/mead/making-mead/ shows the basic method. All you need is a large quantity of honey and even more water, plus a suitable yeast - do NOT use bread yeast. Plus a suitable container to ferment it in that you can seal with an airlock or trap that will contain some sterile water, made by dissolving Campden tablets or sodium metabisulphite in it. And as it says there, fermentation should take about three weeks. As I say, once the trap blupping with gas slows down, you're getting near the end.

So your real costs are for the equipment to start with, and then it's just the ingredients. Given the taxes on anything alcoholic, it's worth trying! Of course you must not sell it, or try to make anything distilled - those are illegal without an alcohol licence.
2015-03-31 2:39 am
Unprocessed (heated, pasteurized) fruit will naturally ferment. If they ferment with good bacteria, their juices create wine. Usually additional sugar is added to speed up the process and create more alcohol, and yeast is introduced to control which bacteria is in play.

The internet is full of sites that provide supplies and how-to vids and text. I simply put mashed fruit in a jar with a lose lid, added extra sugar and let it set on my counter at room temp for 2-3 weeks, then filtered it.

Good luck on your search and the results.
2015-03-31 2:10 am
Alcohol is made by using yeast and sugars. It is a very simple process. You can take a bottle of real grape juice, (no preservatives), dump a little sugar in and some yeast and in a few months have a sort of wine. The alcohol content is determined by how much sugar you use and the type of yeast.

Several companies sell wine making equipment though you can substitute some items you may have about the house. A glass carboy is just a large glass jug and a clean towel can be substituted for a water trap. I suggest you actually use a real water trap though as wild yeasts can get in and make your wine rather foul.

There are many tutorials on the web to make your own wine. I've made mead in the past and didn't really care for it. I made a watermelon wine that I hated but everyone else loved. It's a matter of personal tastes.

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