Does Race Matter? Im Bi-Racial?

2015-03-30 3:48 pm

回答 (5)

2015-03-30 6:45 pm
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Generally speaking there are races that spent thousands of years using natural selection to create more attractive, more intelligent people. They did this by giving women more power to be selective over partners.

There are races that didn't do this so rape was more commonplace so people with less valued traits continued to be very prevalent and so they of course now want to mate with the more attractive races, desperately trying to get into their countries and mix with them like a virus... but it's a major step backwards for the more attractive, more intelligent races/nations to do so. This goes against the very nature of human beings, to evolve forward.

In these nations, they are far more advanced and evolved and don't wish to mate with people who are lesser so. Of course it doesn't matter to the people from lesser evolved nations, they only wish to inject themselves into higher evolved peoples and their civilizations and so far the results have been higher crime rates, violence, destruction of social harmony, degrading education, higher dependence on welfare, etc...

Meanwhile Southern Africa has the highest rape rates in the world. We simply don't want to bring this world into our own. The US for example is largely an experiment to see if multi-racial societies can live in peace, and now has more prisons than any country in the world trying to control the chaos and high crime rates. It's been an utter failure. Only certain races actually get along. And France's little experiment of importing Arabs has ended in terrorist attacks for being this open minded. It's not worth the bloodshed and violence.
2015-03-30 4:34 pm
You are part of the human race dear, that's what matters. Be happy.
2015-03-30 8:16 pm
It doesn't really matter to me.

Beauty is in the eyes of its beholder.
2015-03-30 3:57 pm
It doesn't matter to me if that's of any help.
I suggest you don't let it matter either.
參考: If it matters to someone--- that should tell you something.
2015-03-30 3:55 pm
To some people it matters a lot ,to smart people it matters not

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 01:33:13
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