where = in which 的問題

2015-03-30 12:55 pm
請問 where 關係副詞 = in/at which



I live in Taipei.

Taipei is a wonderful place.


Taipei where I live is a wonderful place.

Taipei in which I live is a wonderful place.

Taipei which I live in is a wonderful place.


請問『介系詞 + 地方名詞』 = 副詞 是指 in Taipei = where 嗎? 謝謝!

回答 (3)

2015-03-31 12:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
where, which, that...等等不能直接用來形容代名詞, 只會用來描述一般的名詞
就像中文會說"我住的城市", 但不會說"我住的台北"一樣

所以, 兩句合併的方法應該是:
Taipei, the city in which I live, is a wonderful place

因為有表明地點, 加上通常是說I live "in" [住處], 就比較不會用到where

Where do you live?
Come see where I live.
There was a farm near where I lived.

回歸正題, 如果要用where合併這兩句的話, 可以說
I live in Taipei, a place where everything is wonderful

供參考, 謝謝
參考: 不太會解釋的美國人
2015-03-30 6:29 pm
Taipei, where I live, is a wonderful place.
Taipei, in which I live, is a wonderful place.
Taipei, which I live in, is a wonderful place.

in which即屬上面,但which是代名詞作用,當in的受詞
2015-03-30 4:33 pm

relative adverb where=(in which)
(1)This is the city Taipei where (=in/at which) I visited (wonderfully fit.)or (wonderfully well.)
(2)The year when (=in which) president Ah Bean imprisoned was 2011.
(3)The reason why (=for which) he imprisoned was bribery and corruption officially.
(4)in Taipei=where=(in which)=(at which) as the relative adverb.
(5) where I live=in which I live=which I live in.But how about (visit as a verb ?)

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