if a paradox has no answer why is the answer to a paradox "it is a paradox" would that just be a paradox in it self?

2015-03-30 3:00 am
my mind hurts.... lets just get Christopher Nolan for this

回答 (6)

2015-03-30 12:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The declaration of something as a paradox is not itself a paradox, but neither is it any kind of useable answer - it does not improve our state of understanding of a thing. There are unresolvable paradoxes, and I think a very relevant question ought to be, how can that be? What is wrong with logic and reason that it cannot address some things and how can paradoxes exist? I think that is a deep and significant question.
2015-03-30 7:19 am
All a paradox is is a sign that there is error, probably in the assumptions!
All 'falseness', upon philosophical examination results, eventually, in 'paradox'.
A sure sign of error!
Like time travel! It is impossible!
Thus all the paradoxes that appear when the hypothesis of 'time travel' is examined!
There is no 'answer to a paradox' any more than there is an answer to an 'F' on a test!

Paradox just means 'error', 'fail'!
2015-03-30 4:35 am
Minus multiply plus is minus.
2015-04-02 6:41 pm
"It is a paradox" is not an answer to a paradox. It is like a statement acknowledging the fact that a certain paradox, or any paradox for that matter, can't have any answer because it is after all a paradox and like all paradoxes is unanswerable. Just because the line "It is a paradox" can come immediately after the mention of a paradox does not necessarily mean that the line is the answer to the paradox. And btw, Christopher Nolan is one of my favorite directors :)
2015-03-31 4:10 am
There is no such thing as a paradox.Nature won't allow it.If we perceive a paradox,then our perception is flawed.Of course,we can come up with "hypothetical paradoxes",but that is all they are--hypothetical.They have no basis in reality.
2015-03-30 7:08 am
Because man seeks to define the nature of a question in lieu of its answer(s).

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