Upper arm slimming?

2015-03-29 9:31 pm
I have this problem since now which troubles me alot.
I was a size 14-16 and I manage to drop to a size 10. However, my arms is still like how it was, at least a size 14 which doesn't allow me to look good in many clothing. I dare not wear sleeveless and many clothes just couldn't fit.
Whenever I get clothed, the armhole opening has ALWAYS been my main concern.

Is there any upper arm exercises that can be done at home that able to reduce the excess fats that has been troubling me since years till now?

回答 (2)

2015-03-29 10:16 pm
Spot reduction is a myth. You lose fat tissue in the reverse order that it was added to your frame. Continue to follow an aerobic exercise regimen and the extra fat tissue will disappear from your arms as you lose more weight. To increase your weight loss, follow the diet recommended in John McDougall's book "The Starch Solution." He stipulates foods to eat and foods to avoid. The diet is very healthy and substantiated by scientific research by T. Colin Campbell, Neal Barnard, Caldwell Esselstyn, and hundreds of other nutrition researchers. Check with your physician before changing your diet and activity level. Your blood work will improve as well as your feeling of well being.
2015-03-29 9:34 pm
You can do weight lifting or resistance training to tone the muscles. But if it's actual fat in there, only losing more weight can rid of that.
參考: I feel your pain. I'm in the same situation. I'm doing 20 reps of arm exercises at least twice a day. I use 10 pounds weights. There are all sorts of exercises you can find online. I do 7 different ones to target all the muscles in my upper arms.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 23:23:34
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