
2015-03-30 6:16 am
我有LSE accounting and Finance同中大LLB,HKU BBA Law offers,未來希望系香港business sector D大公司做野,唔係特別想做律師或者會計師,請問:

1)想系香港 business sector發展,讀 law 定 account 選擇多D?
7)花5/6年(計埋考PCLL)讀law係咪真係worthwhile?定有個專業律師degree真係有好大優勢?account系咪比唔上 law?


回答 (2)

2015-03-30 7:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1)想系香港 business sector發展,讀 law 定 account 選擇多D?

>> 我果時入大學個situation 同你差唔多, 有倫大既offer, 有hku bba law. 但係最後放棄左bba law 係英國讀, 最後而家end up 左係大公司做野. 所以我個人覺得, 唔讀咩科唔緊要, 最緊要係你既個人表現同埋成績, 因為大公司睇既你既性格岩唔岩做佢呢個位, 而唔係你既成績係唔係最好果個. 所以係你呢個case, 如果你係想做business 有關既野, 可能lse 個offer 比較好, 因為bba law 要多讀2年.

>> 見1) 我自己大學係讀science 既, 但係都入到business sector 既公司, 所以唔係看重你個degree (當然相關既可能較好...).

>> 唔會, 因為就算你入去做acconting 既野, 你都係要考牌的.

>> 唔係, 身邊都有好多朋友係讀law 既, 最重要係睇你搵唔搵到placement 同埋實習既機會, 如果你成績係唔錯既話, 要搵placement 應該唔難.

>> 好多選擇既, 可以做consulting, 搵政府工, IT 行業都可以, 因為如果你係入grad scheme 既話, 好多公司都唔會計較你係讀咩科出身的.

>> 同5)
7)花5/6年(計埋考PCLL)讀law係咪真係worthwhile?定有個專業律師degree真係有好大優勢?account系咪比唔上 law?

>> 如果你唔係想做律師, 我覺得讀個pcll 唔會令到你既優勢大左, 反而係會遲左2~3年出黎做野...

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp =]
2015-03-30 1:16 pm
1. Law is always a better choice than accounting and finance (A&F)

By choosing A&F, you constrain yourself into those 2 specialties. Although it is not necessary that you will end up developing your career in A&F, A&F are definitely your starting point.

On the other hand, law is a wild card that can work virtually everything.

2. Experience actually. Companies would like to invest on a person that has a proven result.

3. It depends on how far you have gone. If you end up with professional qualifications, you will be fine.

Other than that - a typical degree holder.

4. This happens virtually to all majors, not just law.

It all depends on how you plan.

5. Virtually none based on your degree (See #1).

6. Any government or political positions.

7. No one can really answer that question for you except yourself. The main reason is there is no guarantee on your future.

However, your question did show a misunderstanding about accounting - although you don't need a professional qualification to work in accounting, many will still attempt to get the qualification anyway. So if you add that time back, it will be similar to law.

Also - assuming you are a professional in either fields, which is easier for you to work for yourself in case you have no job? Typical people do not require accounting service. But there is always a demand on legal service. So law (with PCLL) will seem to be a better choice over accounting.

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