
2015-03-29 11:50 am

回答 (4)

2015-03-29 4:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你好,我於xxxx年xx月xx日訂購貴公司商品,訂單編號:xxxxxxxxx,因台灣海關無法輸入,已辦理退運,請貴公司協助辦理退貨退款,謝謝。Dear Sirs,On XXX, I used to purchase your products with the order coded xxxxxxxxx. Because the import of this order was refused by customs, we have dealt with returning affairs and please help us for refunding.
Many Thanks
2015-03-29 6:02 pm
Greetings! I purchased a product from you (order number xxxxxxxxx) on 03/20/2015. Regrettably, the product was not allowed in by the Customs, and subsequently returned to the sender. Your assistance on the refund is greatly appreciated.
2015-03-29 4:40 pm

Dear Sir/Madam,

As the product I purchased on xx/xx/xx under PO # xxxxxxx was
rejected from importation by Taiwan Customs, it has gone through
the returning process. Please help make the refund and confirm.

Best regards,
Xxxx Xxxx

2015-04-02 16:11:35 補充:
>On XXX, I used to purchase your products with the order coded xxxxxxxxx.

used to Vr用於過去的習慣動作, 在本句用法錯誤, 因為是過去的單一事件, 而非習慣動作。
參考: 羅莉 - 資深商業書信經驗
2015-03-29 4:34 pm
The register of translation into one sentence only:-

Dear Mr.So&So,
---------Due to Taiwan Customs&Excise Dept.do not admit your manufactured goods (order no. xxxx) ordered by me (yyyyyCo.)on xxxxyr.xxmonth,xxday,will you please organize and arrange the need for the return of your goods and the refund of my money?
Thank you.

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