詢問關於英文tense 的問題

2015-03-28 3:35 pm
Mary係早上七時死亡,佢一直用緊一部Samsung 既手提電話。佢今早死左之後,Peter law 左部手提電話黎用。想問問大家宜家講"Mary used a Samsung mobile
phone." 有無問題。

回答 (3)

2015-03-31 4:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
"Mary used a Samsung mobile phone." - 句子本身無問題;
但因當中沒有提及"time",i.e. "when"(幾時發生), 句子顯得不太清楚。

需要加入「發生的時間」,令 "tense" 的採用更明確:-
e.g. Mary used a Samsung mobile phone yesterday.

(2)如果是"a paragraph" or "a passage":
則要看整段之間的時間關係,去決定 一句子應用什麽"tense"

e.g. Mary died this morning. She had been using a Samsung mobile phone.

因為" Mary had been using a Samsung mobile phone"先發生(用past perfect continuous tense)- -> 才到"Mary died this morning " (用past tense)
2015-03-29 4:56 am

(1) Before her death, she had used Samsung.

(2)After she died 7am. Peter lifted her property of Samaung.

Had no problem lee.
2015-03-29 4:51 am
'Mary used a Samsung mobile phone' is grammatically correct

but using 'Mary had been using a Samsung moblie phone' is better

because the sentence shows that something started in the past and continued up
until another time in the past (Mary died).

Hope that it helps :)

收錄日期: 2021-05-04 02:08:26
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