
2015-03-29 6:42 am
昨天我在你們的商店買了一個新的包包,回家後發現裡面有一個洞.今天回到你們的商店要求更換物品.但是服務人員並不讓我們更換.造成我們的困擾..如果無法更換, 請問能夠退款給我們嗎?

回答 (5)

2015-04-04 10:15 am
「如果無法更換, 請問能夠退款給我們嗎?」 這邏輯很奇怪...
只有聽過 不退款 但可更換
卻沒聽過商家會執意不能更換 卻可以退款給你...
2015-03-29 8:25 pm
I bought a new bag at your shop yesterday, but I took it home when it already had a hole,so I want to change a new one at your shop,though the clerk didn't want to let me change.It make me discovered.Can you refund for me,if I can't change to another new bag?
2015-03-29 4:23 pm

昨天我在你們的商店買了一個新的包包,回家後發現裡面有一個洞.今天回到你們的商店要求更換物品.但是服務人員並不讓我們更換.造成我們的困擾..如果無法更換, 請問能夠退款給我們嗎?
Yesterday I bought a new pursue from your store, but I found a hole in this purse when I came back home. Today, I returned this purse to your store and requested to change another new one, but this request was refused by your service personnel. Its did trouble us very much. If I can't get another new one, could we get a refund?
2015-03-29 7:35 am
----Yesterday, I was to buy a new bag in your store.,and returned home only to find there was a hole inside the bag.
----Today I went back to your store asked for the exchange of goods. But the customer service staff did not fulfil my request which caused us a lot of trouble.
----If you are unable to give us an exchange, will you be able to give a refund to us ?
2015-03-29 7:01 am
Yesterday i bought a new bag in your store, when i was at home, i found a hole inside. Today i returned to your store and asked for the exchange of a bag, customer service personnel refused my request, and it did make a trouble for us. If i can't get a exchange of a bag, could we get a refund ?

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