Terrified about testicular cancer?

2015-03-28 7:26 am
8 months ago i thought i found a lump on my testicle and was extremely terrified. I went to the doctor, and they said there was nothing and everything was fine.
Now, im worrying about it again. I feel my testicle everyday and i dont feel anything but im always frightened that i missed somewhere. Today, i felt something that felt like a vein. That can t be it right? Is there something that can make me less paranoid? THANKS SO MUCH!!!

回答 (2)

2015-03-28 9:45 am
Knowing facts about testicular cancer might make you feel less paranoid.

Testicular cancer is rare and mainly affects men between the ages of 20 and 49 (elsewhere you say you're 17).

Most testicular lumps aren't cancer; Cancer Research UK estimates that fewer than 4% of testicular lumps considered suspicious enough for testing turn out to be cancer.

And above all, your doctor has examined you and found no lump and told you all was well.
2015-03-28 9:38 am
If the doctor said you are fine, and you don't feel anything now, there is no reason on God's Green Earth to worry about it Now. You are worrying about nothing. Next time you see your doctor you can reaffirm that there is nothing wrong with you. STOP Feeling your testicles, give your hands something else to do.
Yes. Stop touching them will make you stop being paranoid.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 15:21:16
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