Ranching - Is it Easy to Learn?

2015-03-28 2:21 am
Is learning to be a rancher an easy thing to do? I'm from the city, but I'd always loved the thought of being a rancher. I don't believe it's something you learn in a day, but is it an easy thing to learn? And is it an easy profession to make a profit out of?

回答 (2)

2015-03-28 2:05 pm
I've not been a rancher, but I wouldn't think it would be easy. I'd bet there's a lot more to it than what we think of - startup costs, lot of work, vets, feeding, sales, market - and competition with established big ranches which can sell what you do for half the cost. I'd suggest you work at a ranch for a summer - find out. See it, live it - then decide.
2015-03-28 2:26 am
Depends on how quickly you learn the ins and outs, and then how commited you are to doing them day in and day out.

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