yellow noodles at hibachi?

2015-03-26 9:04 pm
I've been to this local hibachi restaurant with my family at least 5 times in the past 2 or 3 months and every time I go I always get the same thing: yellow noodles and chicken breast which the man grills. I know the sauce they use is yumyum sauce but what are those yellow noodles theybue and where can I buy them??? I crave those noodles all the time but its too expensive to go everyday so I was wondering if there is anywhere I can buy the noodles so I could figure out his to make it myself. I already know where to buy the yumyum sauce and of course the chicken but I don't think it will be he same if I don't have those yellow noodles. There yellow and kinda thick. Please tell me if you know of what there called and/or where I can find them. Thanks:)

回答 (1)

2015-03-26 9:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You can find those Japanese ramen/noodles for yakisoba in all Asian supermarkets.

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