
2015-03-26 9:40 pm
我入去ABC 自修室預備我既考試,我成間自修室行晒,發覺好大,同埋好多枱,同埋自修室地面不平。之後我開始預備考試,我預備完考試後,係自修室個度坐了一陣才離開自修室,個陣時間自修室都係好大,同埋好多枱和地面不平。當我一離開自修室時,我講"I just prepared for my exam in ABC Study Room. It was big and there were many tables in the study room. The floor of the study room was unenven." 想問問句子時態有無用錯。

回答 (2)

2015-03-27 4:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
Present perfect (grammar) is the form of a verb which shows a period of time up to and including the present, and in English is usually formed with "have", and the past participle eg:-"found".
Error and corrections:-
I have prepared for my examination in ABC Study Room.

There were many tables in the Study Room.

The floor of the (big) Study Room was (found) uneven
An uneven level of the floor was found in the (big) Study Room.

Note:-A sequence of things is a number of them that comes one after another in the same Capital letters,eg:-Study Room.
----The word "exam" should be spelled complete:-"examination.
----Otherwise no problem lee.
2015-04-05 12:41 am
Right Answer : I just prepared for my exam in ABC Study Room. It was big and there were many tables in the study room. The floor of the study room was uneven.
參考: Dictionary

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