
2015-03-25 10:08 pm
對方是不同部門,但是位經理,所以才想說要禮貌的提醒 謝謝:)

This request is not forgotten. I am super busy this days. I hope to come back to you next week.

ps. 好意思我只有5點,但仍非常需要熱心網友的幫助,謝謝~~

回答 (4)

2015-03-26 2:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Xxxx

I asked a favor from you last week about providing xxxx but you were
then busy. I wonder if it is convenient for you to help sometime this week?
Thanks a million.

Best regards,
參考: 羅莉 - 書信經驗
2015-03-26 6:55 am

Thanks for your prompt reply. Your assistance in providing me with the required information is highly appreciated.

I look forward to hearing from you ASAP.

2015-03-26 11:09:28 補充:
This request is not forgotten. I am super busy this days. I hope to come back to you next week.

同事已覆你沒有忘記你之要求, 並解釋因超忙, 要下周才有空「應酬」你。

因此,「禮貌的提醒」可免則免, 不需囉嗦,以免別人感覺你超煩, 禮貌上簡覆感謝同事之承諾幫忙已可!

2015-04-02 18:04:48 補充:

將心比心, 易地而處當你是該部門經理, 已回應同事會下周跟進其要求,
而該同事覆件時卻刻意「禮貌的提醒」, 你的感覺會如何?
2015-03-26 3:02 am
If possible, please give me the information that I require. Thanks for your cooperation.
2015-03-25 11:04 pm

Re:-memento:-(these days ?)
This is a prompt reminder for my past request dated (xxxxdd--mm--yyxxxxxx).
Kindly treated as a reminder to.

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