eng question

2015-03-25 7:10 am

2.next to impossible點用? 前面洗吾洗用v?
it is next to impossible to get full mark in the exam.有冇錯?

3.no doubt about it,we damage our environment.?有冇錯?no doubt about it後面係svo?

回答 (3)

2015-03-25 10:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1) 他只是個嬰兒, 連走路都不會,更何妨跑步
He is only a baby. He can’t even walk yet, let alone run!

“let alone” ~ used after a negative statement to say that next thing you mention is even more unlikely. (更不用說…)

(2) It is next to impossible to get full mark in the exam. ~ 無錯

Nest to impossible = almost impossible
If you use “next to” before a word that suggests something negative, it means almost, but not completely

“next to” ~ preposition, 是兩個字聯合, 但是分開來寫, functioning as a preposition
前面多數要用 verb

This crossword puzzle is next to impossible.

(3) No doubt about it (a phrase) 解 It is certainly true

No doubt about it, we damage our environment. ~ 無錯

不過 “No doubt about it” 這個 phrase放置句子的開頭, “n” 要 capitalize (i.e. No)
接著句子要 complete sentence.
句子格式: No doubt about it, S + transitive verb + O, S + intransitive verb,
(可加 adverb, adverbial phrase…etc)
No doubt about it ~ we have got problems.

這個 phrase可以放置句子的後面
She is the most attractive girl in the class, no doubt about it.

2015-03-25 03:17:54 補充:
"The baby can’t even walk, let alone run.
~ 取自朗文雙解詞典

"There isn't enough room for us, let alone six dogs and a cat.
連我們的地方都不夠, 更不必說六條狗 一只貓了"
~ 取自牛津英漢雙解詞典

希望不要介意, 學會用 "let alone", sentence pattern 之一, 也許你早已識了
參考: Longman English Dictionary, 牛津詞典
2015-03-25 9:05 am
1. He's only a baby. He can't even walk. How can he run?

2. next to impossible = 幾乎不可能
同義詞: almost, all but

It is next to impossible to get full mark in the exam. 冇錯
or, you can say:
It is all but impossible to get full mark in the exam.

3. 冇錯
"No doubt about it" is an adverb phrase acting as disjunct (sentence adverb) to express speaker's opinion.

= Undoubtedly, we damage our environment.

(we damage our environment) is the main clause in svo format.

2015-03-25 01:10:28 補充:
1. 更何況跑步

He can't even walk, not to mention running.
2015-03-25 7:49 am
next to impossible=幾乎不可能的.
EG: 1.Passing this examination without good preparation is next impossible.
2.Urban sprawl means that life without a car is next to impossible.

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