Can your employment check be garnished while enrolled in college?

2015-03-23 8:52 pm

Let me clarify my question. I am currently working, full time. I am not unemployed.

回答 (8)

2015-03-23 8:55 pm
Of course. Being a student is not a magical talisman against garnishment.
2015-03-24 4:06 am
Yes of course.
2015-03-24 2:17 am
2015-03-23 10:41 pm
if you work and a court order has been issued to garnish your check there is nothing related to being a student that will prevent it being done
2015-03-23 9:02 pm
If it is the IRS? Yep! Including unemployment checks.
參考: Personal experience.
2015-03-23 8:58 pm
Usually. College is irrelevant to a judgment; however, garnishment can be blocked if one's income is very low. state law applies.
2015-03-23 8:56 pm
if in USA , absolutely with proper papers.

learn local credit laws where u live.
they vary Greatly.
參考: employer
2015-03-23 9:02 pm
If you are attending college, you cannot (legally) GET unemployment, because you are NOT AVAILABLE TO WORK...

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