Websites where I can get reliable data of global temperature?

2015-03-23 4:49 pm
I need annual temperature in specific countries or regions over the last 50 to 100 years. Where can I find reliable data published by authorized/acclaimed organizations?
I've already looked at NASA but they only have global average temperature, but I need data for specific places in order to compare. Thanks!

回答 (8)

2015-03-23 5:01 pm
HADCRU does gridcells. You can look at individual countries meteorological bureaus.
2015-03-23 5:12 pm
You might try the National Climatic Data Center website. They are a repository for all kinds of climate data. I don't know whether they'll have specifically what you're looking for, but they have a variety of climate data available for download and order, both U.S. and international data.
2015-03-23 9:43 pm
Difficult, it's doubtful the original/real data even still exists.
2015-03-24 1:11 am
try the tooth fairy, or santa
2015-03-30 6:00 am
Your question: "Websites where I can get reliable data of global temperature? I need annual temperature in specific countries or regions over the last 50 to 100 years. Where can I find reliable data published by authorized/acclaimed organizations? I've already looked at NASA but they only have global average temperature, but I need data for specific places in order to compare. Thanks!"

Global temperatures of what?

If you mean average surface temperatures, that is something best gathered by satellites.

Not all governments with satellites are willing to part with their data.

Data are usually in analytical form, not raw data.

You need to ask some on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change:

Or may be the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration:
"NOAA Merged Land-Ocean Surface Temperature Analysis"

National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307-3000
Main Phone: 303-497-1000

University Corporation for Atmospheric Reserch (UCAR)

NASA posts some of it:
"Surface Temperature Analysis"
2015-03-24 8:25 pm
Answers in Genesis
2015-03-23 8:51 pm
2015-03-23 5:39 pm

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