How can I stop procrastinating?

2015-03-23 3:16 pm
I stay up till 3am doing my work and get 3 hours of sleep.

回答 (5)

2015-03-23 3:18 pm
There are books you can read about curing procrastination. Borrow them from the library.
I have 3 of them that are overdue because I haven't got around to reading them yet!!!
2015-03-23 4:24 pm
throw away the videogame systems
2015-03-23 3:39 pm
Detta är en dum fråga.
2015-03-23 3:21 pm
You just have to do it. I do that too and you just need to force yourself to do what you need to do so that you're not panicking at the last minute. It's just something you need to do. I wish there were a magic bullet for this but there's just not. It's just that you need to do it.
2015-03-23 3:17 pm
Log off and surrender your electronic gadgets to your parents.

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