
2015-03-23 3:42 pm
我今早七點丟左一個盒,這個盒屬於我,我現在講"I have thrown away a box." ,我上個星期六都丟左一個盒,想問問現在我上邊咁樣講有無問題。

回答 (3)

2015-03-23 5:28 pm
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I have thown away a box this morning.(今早7時) 基本上都ok的。

I had thown away a box last Saturday.[假如句子想強調"丟"那"情形"-好像代入當時如何/為何把這盒丟掉...當然文法書會告訴你用past perfect tense必要跟住一個相關情況才算"合格"],所以假如只是"客觀地講述上星期的事
I threw away a box last Saturday.
2015-03-24 7:23 am
I've just thrown away a box which is different from the one I threw away last Saturday.

Remember: perfect tense focuses on the consequence of a past action.

It has no meaning just saying "I have thrown away a box."

2015-03-23 23:55:51 補充:
past perfect:

I had already thrown away another box before I threw away one this morning.
2015-03-23 7:32 pm
咁講無問題, 除非你再加一個動作, 比如10 時又掉了一個盒, 咁7 時既動作就要改做 had, 而單獨一個動作, 係無問題既.

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